A New Post

I had a lovely deep sleep last night. What a treat.
Since Zora and the cleaning team had cancelled, there was no need to get up to be out of their way.
I spent a while trying to persuade T to come out to walk H with me, but I was getting no sense out of him. My idea was to walk and then visit a pub somewhere, anywhere, as long as it was one which was open.

I gave up on T, realizing it would be easier without him. So H and I went to Streatley Rec, where the skies promptly opened and I took the decision to curtail the walk. I had left my coat at home.

Once T was up, we headed for North Moreton, which, unsurprisingly, is close to South Moreton. The Bear has been open under its new management for a month. It is a sister/brother establishment to Five Little Pigs in Wallingford. The latter has very good restaurant status, the Bear is its pubby relative.

And what a find it is! Dog friendly, with a serious cricket ground (6 all season nets) and scattered walking meadows and picnic area lying behind it. I sensed walking H and then eating at the pub coming on. But she wasn’t with us today. The food was utterly delicious- who has heard of hollygog pudding? An Oxfordshire invention – from Kidlington. Diabetes on a plate.

Fish pie / one of the best
Cricket nets and far meadows
Hollygog pudding

We scraped ourselves up off the chairs and into the car for the short drive home. H was glad we were back. Next time she will come with us.

I finally took the step of sacking Zora and her clean team. I like her and her team, but we have been let down too many times. I think we have been patient enough and I am not entirely convinced about the veracity of the excuses. She was entirely philosophical. Meanwhile, Alex’s new cleaners will step in. Starting next week. Lisa and team.

Cox and Cox have finally replied to my complaints after their disastrous and incompetent attempts over the three lit hanging trees. They are gifting us the third one that arrived without a plug. I had already ordered a replacement two pin adapter plug from Amazon. This was so that I could pack it all away complete for next year. It cost £11.00. It arrived today with a complete string of icicle wall lights! Oh my goodness! Is there no escaping Christmas! I only wanted an adapter plug. I’ve sent off for another plug from another source. I wonder what that will bring… just a plug please…. And I will keep those lights!

The rest of the afternoon passed in the arms of Winken or maybe Blinken, but certainly Nod.

T was hungry later in the evening so he was given a sandwich and fruit. The last of the bread that was, so it will be a virtual brekkie tomorrow. Or a trek to our local filling station to replenish supplies. Or possibly Lidl.

And then there is social club and an earlier outing for H and myself.

Thought for the Day

Now I know where I went wrong

Advice I should have heeded. I was totally clueless!

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