Dream on

Last night brought a strange dream involving tablets and our Ukrainian friends plus one. And BV. I was fretting on and off throughout the night where our medicinal tablets were. They had to be in one of two places and I didn’t know which, or if we had even taken any that day. It was the sort of dream that kept bringing me back to the surface of reality.
The other aspect – I was busy changing sheets in various beds, including our old bunk beds at BV. Timur appeared with a big brother, back from Nottingham, (he hasn’t got a big brother). Big brother explained that Lena would stay in Nottingham to work but Timur and he would stay here during the week.
And in the middle of all this, we were doing some wild swimming by a lake, talking to some other family whilst I was still trying to work out where my tablets were. Maybe in Lena’s rucksack propped by a tree.
All very ridiculous and utter fantasy.
Just after 05.00 I awoke, with relief and took my tablets which were in my bedside drawer.

And gave T his at the same time. And then dozed a little before springing into action to get him out of bed. I have to keep ‘on it’ otherwise silly distractions come into play – eg a cup in the sink needs a ritual wash. I try and squirrel everything into the dishwasher ahead of his interest, to avoid these paltry distractions, but he always finds something.

I had two phone calls from Pen and Ali before taking him out. Pen did ring yesterday but her calls are controlled by the lack of signal at home. Nice to hear from them both.

He was at day care in good time and there I abandoned him. H and I took a stroll in the rain showers at Castle Meadows and enjoyed chats with various people. I exist again, after a week with very little contact with anyone.
Staff at the Day Centre have rallied. Many were poorly over Christmas, which is not coincidental with this text from our GPs which arrived today. But it does support the message.

They must be feeling overwhelmed, but there was some helpful information in the link, especially about the difference between colds and flu. I don’t think they want to be bothered by time wasters with a sniffle.

I had a list of jobs to do today, including washing and changing our bedding, dismantling the Christmas tree and other decorations; sorting and tidying the spare room which is full of Christmas items to go in the loft; clearing T’s desk of whatever is covering it.

Well I more or less conquered the Christmas stuff, packing it away in an almost orderly fashion, ready for a rest in the the loft before next year. I have also allowed Friday for these tasks which is just as well because I didn’t get as far as T’s clutter. Or sorting the spare room.
But the bedding is sweet smelling! And back on the bed after the usual battle with the duvet and it’s cover. I’m not sure I believe John Lewis’ claim about our new sheet… sounds far fetched and I cannot pretend I noticed.

Yeah right

I was annoyed to be let down by the cleaners, yet again. They will not be coming tomorrow. A month ago, it was a car problem. We had a whole spate of let downs over a year or so ago, but then things were fine for several months. So I forgave them. I am not feeling very forgiving at the moment – twice in two months doesn’t do it for me. Two let downs which equals only two appearances to clean. It will be nearly 3 months when they reappear.

T seems to have enjoyed his day out. He came out of day care quite chirpy. We returned straight home to the post Christmas debris that I had created. And I fell asleep. Not a little chillax sleep but a serious deep and relaxing sleep.
Resurfacing took a while. A bit of TV -and it was bedtime again,

Schools seem to be back! Hooray.

Thought for the Day






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