Drowny Day

A bit of awakeness at some silly o’clock. I tried to while away some minutes by catching up on Silent Witness but it just sent me to sleep again. So now I know what to do when I’m needlessly awake – find a Silent Witness episode.

I performed the usual morning routine activities. I have not seen any family since Boxing Day, apart from briefly, when I returned Minnie. In fact I haven’t seen anyone at all really.

When you live with someone with Alzheimer’s that’s what happens, I had been warned of this a while ago. Nobody really wants you around. There’s a lot of talk and no action, it seems. You have to make it happen. But inflicting us on others is no longer going to be my way of doing things. It just does not work. That was clear earlier in the year. I miss out on a lot because I feel I can’t do certain things with T in tow. Socials at the Pavilion. Jubilee stuff, things on holiday. You become a social pariah if you, or someone close to you, has dementia. Walk in my shoes is the saying.

Anyway I got T up today – a sort of practice for Day Care tomorrow. It actually was not that hard in the end. He agreed to come and walk H with me. And that we should visit a pub for lunch.

Two mistakes there. The first was reducing the walk to a short and miserable one. Yes it was raining, yes it was cold, yes he had rain gear on. But the moans and groans reminded me the hassle is never worth it. In addition … all, yes all, the local pubs that I fancied were shut. Despite me checking opening times online, information was not up to date. It seems they were so overwhelmed by having so much business over the holiday period, they could afford to forego any potential income today. Or just maybe the staff needed a break.

The walk was a miserable rainy affair, but I had predicted the human resistance so I had taken a ball thrower and some treats. And little H, bless her, exercised her little legs chasing the ball. And my legs were exercised going to collect it after she failed to bring it all the way back, or even part of the way back towards the end. T spent most of the walk battling with a zip on his raincoat. When he was not complaining that is. But, on the positive note, H is better at ball chasing. The training will continue. And also, I really need to get T out on walks more. The extra day at Day Care means he is doing less out and about. Use it or lose it as the saying goes.

We ended up at the Oxshed for a late brunch. And coffee. They were quite busy which was not surprising since everywhere else was closed. But we ventured into their back rooms which are set up for people with young kiddies and space and toys are provided. The only people at the back, there today were us and another pair of similar decrepitude . There is also an upstairs area which we did not know about.
The Oxshed does some of the best coffee from the local Dark Horse coffee bean roaster.
Unfortunately, its sister cafe, the Cartshed at Battle Barns has closed down. It was always busy when we went there.
The art they have on display is engaging and similar style would be good to try on the iPad.

Play coffee area
Bold art
Grump and coffee

I returned only for Silent Witness (on catch up) to ensure I fell asleep yet again.
Our home has now a build up of redundant Christmas decorations and wrapping paper etc that needs to go in the loft. His desk is covered in little heaps of … well… you tell me! And the kitchen table is heading the same way. I have set aside tomorrow and Friday to sort it out.

His ‘desk’

I note my old iPad case and little keyboard and H’s bone are there. Also is a small carved tray that he acquired on Mykonos. I remember having a huge row over it, because he fell for some spiel about it being locally carved, when it bore all the hallmarks of cheap Indian tat. But hey, after about 30years, I have grown quite fond of it. And hand carved items are less available nowadays. And hand carved it is, or it was, somewhere or other.

It’s been a bit of a moany day. For which I apologise for anyone who has got to the end of this. Upon reflection, yesterday ended on such a high as I watched the sun set at the end of the day. What a difference a little sunshine makes. I should reflect more upon the positives. At least I am not trying to battle my way to work in all these train strikes. And I feel for the people whose small businesses are in jeopardy because of them.

There was a very interesting programme on C4 last night … 2022 – The Year from Space. Very interesting what we can see from space – from the progress of the war in Ukraine, to the tulip fields of Holland, to aspects of Climate Change.

it seems to be unseasonably warm in Europe. Our seaside towns are buzzing and seasonal businesses are planning to stay open through the winter. Conversely, town and city centres are empty compared with 2018 and 2019.

Thoughts for the Day – very random

The Government seems to be wearing a blindfold






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