I think the night passed sweetly but it was a long time ago now. It was not raining when I woke up for the second time. Quite late.
I haven’t done anything much today. I watched some TV rubbish, but late in the afternoon, I hooked into the Real Marigold Hotel. Always enjoyable to watch real famous people of my age enjoying new experiences. In India on this occasion.
I eventually got H out and about in Castle Meadows. The pot-holey, crater – riddled and muddy lane was littered with cars parked in inconvenient places. It was late and the sun set whilst we were there.
The geese were noisy; the shadows long; the sky blue; littered with white contrails; and a silver moon lingered; the golden hues were comforting; cattle were absent and the Thames slid silently and slowly past, the other side of the water meadow.
Not a bad afternoon to be out and about. With the most beautiful fluffy friend, and heart-string tugger.
And her bag of poo.

I returned home to find T had got himself up. Reading around the issue, has revealed it is not unusual for those with Alzheimer’s to sleep a lot during the day. Nor is it unusual for them to fiddle, interfere and destroy. Often it is a phase in the illness, but not always.
The remainder of the afternoon passed peacefully with some TV, including a repeat of The Greatest Showman, which T always enjoys, building up to a new episode of Silent Witness, during which, predictably, I dozed off. Catch up needed!
I must get the Christmas tree down and pack it away. T goes back to Daycare on Wednesday – chore catch up time!
It’s the last of the bank holidays today. I think local schools go back on Wednesday. Not that it makes much difference to us.
Random Thoughts for the Day

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