More of the usual overnight routine, except I awoke for a while at a really silly o’clock. Around 03.00 I think. Not great.
H is used to ignoring my overnight activity but it was news to Minnie and she became quite lively, keen to join in. She is very wary of Heidi, who can get very jealous if I show anything or anybody else attention. So Minnie knows to show T great devotion, which he adores. H calls her the big black dog because he can’t remember her name.
Minnie would be in bed with him if she could manage it.
Upon my second wakening, I did a bit of flexing, but not as much as my watch suggests. I forgot to stop the workout.
Next up, after catching up on emails and booking the car in for a service, it was time for the doggy walk. At Castle Meadows. After yesterday’s weather unpleasantness, it was sunny today, not cold, but very damp underfoot.
There were quite a lot of people out and about, some in larger family groups, mostly with dogs. And no evident cattle. My two let rip, galloping around at high speed. Even H. Briefly. For every movement / circle H does, Minnie does about three. She also found some water to dive into, despite me thinking that I had carefully avoided the river.

They had fun. Although H does not engage much with other doggy play, she does respond with Minnie and Minnie is very good at finding her when she disappears into the undergrowth.
I returned Minnie to Dave, who was at home, and with G , whilst Ali was at work and F was doing childcare for someone down the road. Good earner for her, daytime childcare.
I was also able to hand him an undamaged large illuminated flat tree that Cox and Cox finally delivered. I’m still awaiting their response to my complaints.
Whoops! A GP practice in Yorkshire has sent all its patients a text telling them they have aggressive lung cancer. It was meant to say Happy New Year. Cock up! Major type.
I handed T a sandwich for his lunch, which he ate with great gusto. I keep finding him munching his way through goodies he has been given for Christmas. Sweet things. And sometimes he eats things he has not been given but which were intended for another recipient. Naughty boy.
I’m not really sure what happened to the afternoon. I didn’t think I fell asleep, but maybe I did. Some of it disappeared.
I produced an evening meal involving green beans and mushrooms. And noticed some new ( to me) reality programme on ITV where people have to get themselves round the Greek islands. I might sneak a peak. However, from reviews, I understand it’s like being on a package holiday with your worst neighbours so probably not for me. The contestants are also described as party animals. So maybe I won’t bother. I feel an allergy coming on.
I did watch a programme about the filming of Doc Martin in Port Isaac over the last 18 years, every other year. This was interesting … about how the people and place were affected, about how the film was put together, how and where the cast and crew lived. Story line. How the characters were created and developed. How they achieved certain scenes etc. What a great bunch of people and what fun. It really is the last series of all the last series, that they are about to broadcast.
Thoughts for the Day

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