The night followed what is now my routine … various disturbances and coffee and toast around 05,00. Only the cupboard was bare today as I did not go shopping yesterday. So it was coffee and a slice of cake of the Christmas variety.
I had received a late text from Ali yesterday asking me to confirm that it was alright for me to have Minnie today, as agreed previously. Agreed previously? I’m sure I had agreed, but had just overlooked it or just not put it in the diary. It was no problem. Apart from having to get up earlier than anticipated.
They were leaving home at 07.30 so I checked I had the key to their house somewhere. And that I knew where that was.
I picked up Minnie at about 09.30 and we all departed in the rain for the old railway line at Hampstead Norreys. There was plenty of flooding en route – right across the road in places. The rain did not spare us on our walk. I threw the ball for Minnie who was reluctant to relinquish it, and when she did, it was difficult to grip, due to the presence of excessive slobber, slime and general dribble.

Heidi disappeared into the tangled thickets that line the old tracks. The tree that had fallen across the path the other day has been sawn up and removed. H was not very prompt to return, though Minnie did her best to retrieve her.
A trip to Vicars was next on the list; we needed vegetables and fruit and bread but understandably, their shelves had not been restocked since before Christmas. So choice was limited and the bread had been frozen. But it was good seedy bread and made a jolly tasty sandwich. T got one too.
I then sat down and enjoyed my Christmas presents, sorting them out and relocating them sensibly. And sorting T’s out too. My new iPad is going to be charged and then I shall investigate the art programme that Penny uses.
But first, my sandwich, a cup of coffee and I watched an amusing programme. The Greatest Snowman. It was a cross between Bake Off and the Great Pottery Throw-down. Competitors had to sculpt three challenges from snow or ice, with Sue Perkins to advise.
The inevitable happened. My eyelids hung heavy and I dozed.
I picked up on a Facebook message from Yoko. She and Rupert are in Japan for their first visit together. They are on a trip staying near Mt Fuji, with her parents. Furriners have only recently been allowed to visit Japan. When Yoko’s parents came over to Greece for the wedding at the end of July, they had to provide clear PCR tests for their return.

The day drifted on. More dozing occurred, unfortunately, which would augur badly for the night to come. I cooked, but T ate little because he had been stuffing himself with naughty mouth size things covered in chocolate!
It is good that the pressures of the holiday season are reduced. Decided not to do anything for New Year.
Thoughts for the Day

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