It was good to be back home in our own bed. Although the hotel bed was also very comfortable. I think little H was also pleased to be in more familiar territory.
There was no serious urgency to arise and I lay around a little too long. The plan was for me to walk H and then depart on a jolly jaunt to Newbury to meet Carer friends for lunch at Val’s.
I had decided that T should stay behind and recover from his busy two days. That is to say, I was reluctant to deal with the stress of getting him up and out. And I wanted to go somewhere without my human pet attached to me. Luckily, he didn’t want to accompany me anyway and was still in bed when I returned a few hours later.
As it was, by 11.00, I was late getting myself going anyway. H got a fairly short walk around the Rec. I had decided we would hang around near the way on to it. But, H had other ideas and scampered off to the distant woodland. The ‘woodland’ is a thin border of trees separating the Rec from the playing field, which harbours various delectable smells.
I dropped her off at home and headed for Newbury. Val lives in a home in one of these static van parks. Some of them are enormous and very grand. Val has plenty of rooms in hers but I did find myself wondering, when Tim was alive, how they managed his bed and chair and hoists etc. It must have been so hard.
Although we each contributed something to the meal, Val was a very generous host. Her dog, Ben, was also generous with his attention. We had a lovely chat, though we were quite a small group. Marie had to bring Anthony as he was being difficult about being left behind. Gone are the days when T could talk sensibly to him. Gone are the days when T could talk sensibly. Full stop.
I can’t tell you how much I am missing Day Care for T. I think he misses it too. No boredom to combat there and he goes often enough for it to be a comfortable and familiar routine for him now. Roll on January 4!
He was still in bed when I returned home. And did not eat the supper I cooked for him. And disappeared back to bed. I watched more catch up Christmas Specials for 2022. Eg Death in Paradise and Call the Midwife.
And then I too returned to bed.
WordPress is starting up a new collection of frustrations. No blogs have reached me via email for a couple of days now. This means I don’t know if they are reaching my other limited group of readers.
Times are difficult and frustrating enough. And January looms.
Thoughts for the Day

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