A reasonable night. We feel quite comfortable at this hotel because we have stayed there so many times. Today, I pre-empted T getting himself several breakfasts, by putting a double dose of cutlery on my tray as well as doing his coffee for him.
By the time we got to the table, he had already tried to get himself yet another cup of coffee, but the member of staff on duty scuppered that attempt. And suggested he drink the cup he had first.
So, several slices of water melon later, we were ready to return to the room. I have discovered that if you load a slice of watermelon with freshly unfrozen blackcurrants etc, it is really delicious!
We checked out of the hotel and departed for Aylesbeare. The family were only just surfacing except for those who had done a run – George and Minnie and Dave x2 . H just can’t keep going!
However, the family, including the earlier runners, took the dogs out for a longish walk. H had not cried last night, sleeping happily curled up by Minnie. I stayed at the house and relaxed into a coma. Which, I think, helped me stay awake for the journey home later in the day.

We didn’t really do much during the day apart from this, and play games. And converse.
We did inspect the ongoing works at the new house which are progressing slowly, but very well, in the hands of a craftsman. The works by tree surgeons have opened up distant views across to Dartmoor and have allowed sunlight to stream into the downstairs sitting room. There are new windows and patio doors filling holes in the walls, and a lot of plastering has taken place. The whole place has been reconfigured. For the better.
Dave cooked us another amazing lunch, ham, with the greatest selections of vegetables ever. There were 11 of us today because Evie had a personal visitor.
The other highlight was George’s steering wheel (a present) which seems to be something to do with an X box. It takes you for drives. The Lake District was the only destination option we had because the X box was a borrowed one. Anyway I mangled a few hedges, made firewood from fences and scattered stone walls like dominoes. It didn’t help that the steering wheel was on the left.

We have a drive home ahead of us tonight, a dark one – there was some chat about staying another night but I have a lunch date tomorrow.
It was about 18.30 when we left and I chose to use the M5/M4 because I thought it would be easier to use motorways in the dark. The drive was uneventful apart from some very heavy rain showers, and a brief stop near Chippenham to fill up with fuel. Traffic was generally quite light thanks to a paucity of HGVs.
We arrived home to unload the car and I went to bed. With Doc Martin Christmas Special. And yet another last series to contemplate. The last series was supposed to be the last series but someone had second thoughts. Thank goodness. The ending was very unsatisfactory. So maybe this last series will be the last series. Unless they make another last series.
Thoughts for the Day

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