What a long day! It started around 04.00 as I lay awake fretting over all the things I needed to do. Get all the presents from the spare room into the hallway and then into the car. Get rid of rubbish. Get T up. Decant olive oil. Find salt . And so on.
I started at 04.00, but had to leave loading the car until a more sociable hour: crunching the gravel at that time of night / morning would not help with neighbourly relationships.
At around 07.00, H and I visited the local shop/ gas station, but not before I had made sure that T was in the shower. I quite wanted to be away by 08.00 ish. H had a run on the Rec in the dark.

It was quite knackering, stepping over the raised threshold, I don’t know how many times, and over the gravel, clutching various bags and other assorted items. I’m not always good at placing my feet carefully and the last thing I needed was to be flat on my face.
Everything eventually was stuffed in the car, and not too much fell out when I opened the boot. And off we went using the M4 and then M5 as the route. Not my top choice – I prefer A303 but that would not take us to Killerton House where the family were meeting.
But, the M4 was very quiet as was the M5. Traffic was light, probably exaggerated by very few HGVs. No hold ups or delays. We stopped at some services near Bristol. My eyes were heavy.

Equipped with coffee to keep me awake we launched ourselves down the M5 arriving at Killerton House at the same time as family.
They went to investigate the house where dogs are not allowed.
Near the NT building, and H and I had a short wander round the parkland. I was still feeling absolutely exhausted.

After the beauties of this property we were then led along every bumpy, muddy and flooded lane in this part of Devon, by the Satnav, to get us to a pub in Broadhembury. There we ate a good lunch.And were treated to Carol singers. Real live ones.
Luckily for them, they moved on because by now I was now driving. They might not have stayed so lively.
We checked in at the airport hotel. Even T has recollections of previous stays. It was here and then that my lack of sleep the previous night finally defeated me. And we both snoozed before returning to the family home for an evening meal.
Yummy salmon.Cooked by Dave with two sauces.
Back to the hotel and bed. Heidi is staying with the family as she is not welcome at this inn.
Random Thoughts for the Day

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