I slept well … so well that I did not follow my usual pre- Christmas habit of getting up in the middle of the night to rap a few, or even a lot of gifts. It takes hours. And I usually do it whilst T is out of the way/ asleep. Of course, he should have been at Day Care today. And boy, did I miss it.
I haven’t done Christmas cards this year either. I do like receiving them but we get fewer and fewer each year.
I was awake about 05.00 for coffee and brekkie but that just sent me to sleep again. I eventually gathered my energy and cleared the gifts out of the spare room, along with the wrapping paper and tape etc. And my bag collection. More about that later.
it took about 6 hours to rap the presents and sort them out into recipient collections. T decided to get up which was a bit of a bummer. And he came along to ‘help’ … This involved folding up all the packaging paper, packets and boxes and piling them up like a skyscraper from largest at the bottom to smallest at the top.
Nothing to be thrown away because it might come in useful.
During most of this, my watch was slowly losing battery life. I put it on to charge and then forgot to gather it up when we went for the walk.
The walk was late – just before dusk. H had been patient all day whilst I was knee deep in raping paper and other such rubbish. But I’ve now economised on paper and use these foil or recyclable bags. These save a lot of faffing and come in different sizes.
It was after 15.00 when we headed out with H. And dark was not far away. I dragged T out with me. It was rather raw and rather damp. H made the most of her time out and about as we wandered across Cholsey Rec.
Back home, supper got cooked and eaten. I managed to protect the box of Magnums I had bought from T until we had eaten. This meant he did actually down his supper.
I was awake for the Traitors tonight. Last episode tomorrow, which will be interesting. They really are at each others’ throats now.
Cleaners tomorrow if I am lucky.
Thought for the Day

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