Awake at 05.00 for coffee etc. No urgency. T stayed in bed all day. So very peaceful. A so so night.
It was quite warm again … 11C to be precise. It was not raining either – the sky was almost blue.
I tinkered around in the morning – Dave had largely sorted the dishes out for me last night but there was still clearing up to do including three oven pans, from which I removed the sticky bits and rationalised the contents and left the pans in soak.
H and I walked round Castle Meadows for the first time in quite a few days. It was quite peaceful there, the reason being that schools in Wallingford are only breaking up today. So only rare children out with parents.
The cows were a bit of a pain. In winter they do not sit around under a tree, chewing cud, releasing methane whilst confining themselves to one spot. That is summer activity. In winter, they roam around, sometimes frolicking or chasing each other or approaching me at speed. H was quite interested in their frolicking but I managed to dissuade her from joining in. Or maybe their size did.
Today we met a very large male 3 year old chocolate lab and it’s owner. It’s owner was at great pains to stop it approaching me which seemed a bit odd. And the dog seemed friendly enough. His owner explained the dog’s latest quirky habit was to urinate on people’s legs. Not everyone, or all the time. Just unpredictably. Alerted to this, I kept my legs close to my body ! Ha ha .

I had a doctor’s phone appointment at 15.15 which was only 40 minutes late! Medication has been adjusted again. And so we continue on. But he did say that flu was currently causing more problems than Covid in the local community.
I then investigated the Christmas present stash, and discovered that a couple of presents I bought at Aldermaston have bits missing, so will have to be reallocated. A nuisance! I have not time to trek back there to return them. I can ‘fix’ it but my fixes will not lead to perfection. I needed to wrap a few packages to hand over to Ali’s guests before they return oop north tomorrow.
T has stayed in bed all day, finally arising to get some tea.
And I fell asleep before Traitors so I am going to try Catch Up now. Yesterday, I felt utterly exhausted at bed time. Whole body and mental exhaustion!
Thought for the Day

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