A bit of a disturbed night which ended up in a late awakening. I had a lot to do today.
Today, T was compliant and up and ready for Day Care. Trouble was … Day care didn’t happen and won’t happen until after Christmas. 4/1/23 it restarts. That is due to two cases of Covid among attendees and also staff sickness.
Outside, it was around +7C, so much warmer than the -7Cs that were becoming the norm. No frost visible – all melted away. No socks necessary on my feet today. Well, not inside, anyway.
How I missed the Day Centre as I prepared to feed 11 mouths, with T offering to ‘help’. On the menu was a mulled apple drink made to my recipe- very good. Followed by arrabiata chicken with parmesan dumplings and gigantes. Or minus the chicken for vegetarians. And fruity coleslaw to go with it. This was followed by Spanish Cretan orange cake and pear and raspberry crumble. One or both. I ended up very knackered after all the preparation. And gathering up the camping table and other items.
T hid out of the way most of the time except for when he tried to erect the camping table. ‘Leave it to me.’ Those 4 words are almost as bad as ‘I will fix it.’ However he did take the Miele for a walk, but he spoilt his brownie points by switching off the Christmas lights. And then I found him with his paws in a tin of Quality Street and, worse still, offering me some. And to think I thought I had hidden these boxes of QS as thank you’s to the Cleaners, and another for Day Centre staff. Grr!
H and I eventually got out for a very late walk which was wet. Very wet. The mud has returned with a vengeance and the permafrost is no more.

Sadly, Ali could not join us for the evening. She had been working from home in her new garden room, miserable and full of cold. Only it wasn’t a cold, it was Covid. That throws everything into a messy morass with Christmas coming up. Who might she have shared it with we wonder?
And she has her octogenarian in-laws staying as well as quinquegenarian in-laws.
We missed her, but passed a very pleasant evening now we were 10. To almost quote AA Milne.

Dave was really helpful clearing the dishes, which is what Ali normally does. I merely pressed the switch on the dishwasher.
We packed up a few doggy bags for her. Although the main course almost disappeared – there was enough but not for seconds. Plenty of desert left though – everyone was able to have seconds. But didn’t.
The big kids started up on my birthday jigsaw. I will sort some tables out and continue it. It’s a particularly clever one. Literary puns…
Thought for the Day

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