Is it really Sunday?

It didn’t feel like a Sunday as I sneaked a cheeky lie in. A bit of snow was forecast before the freezing rain arrived. It didn’t happen though. Well… the rain did and it was very unpleasant.

The lie in was very comfy and nicely warm . But it didn’t really last long enough. H needed a walk and I needed to visit Waitrose to gather some shopping for the 11 mouths I have to feed tomorrow. The Cretan orange cake requires forward preparation. and it will save time tomorrow.

The Cretan orange cake is made using filo sheets which have to dry out or be dried out. That can take a while.

I visited Waitrose before walking H. The rain was so cold that I did not want to walk in it. I thought maybe it would stop if I did the shopping first. Wrong! But the shopping was done and H and I wandered in the rain. It was slippy underfoot . The ground remained frozen with a thin icy layer of grass or mud on the surface. Horrid.
Unpacking the shopping took a while because I wanted to organise it so that the ingredients I needed were easily accessible. And together.

All I don’t need is for T to get his hands on it. The filo pastry is being aired so it dries out completely. And items for dinner are separately located. But organised. Efficiency rules. A rare thing where I am concerned.

I sat down for a bit of ‘me’ time. And rifled through the episodes of Strike. I keep losing my place and forgetting where I am. But, I might just have reached the end of Series 1 as well as Series 4 which I watched first. As you do.

T kept himself to himself, carefully avoiding the World Cup Final. The bits I eventually hooked into revealed an exciting contest. Down to penalties, with Argentina the winners.

Not much else happened to disturb the peace of the day. T wandered back and forth between the comfort of his bed and the chillier sitting room. Dragging his electric fleece with him for some reason or other, best known, only to himself.

Thought for the Day






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