I awoke at the usual sort of time and it didn’t take long for me to realise that there was still a chill in the air.
A quick look out of the window, once it was daylight, revealed a white world. White air , aka fog, white roofs, white fences, white gardens and a white car. And all the white implied a chilliness.
I returned to bed, having increased the heat in the bit of CH that is working. I’m
I had offered H the opportunity for a garden wee earlier, when it was still dark. She did not hang around.

To make up for yesterday, we were out walkies for over an hour, enjoying Castle Meadows until the cows appeared. They were in restless mood today, constantly on the move. I don’t think they like chewing icy grass. I took H down by the Thames to avoid the wanderlust these beasts were exhibiting.
You couldn’t see far due to the fog, although at one point a silvery orb tried its best to penetrate the white layers.
There were quite a lot of dogs out with their humans, making sure they did not shirk walkies due to the cold. We wandered along the towpath and back across the water meadows. Only to discover that the farmer / cattle manager had decided to give the cows access to both the higher and lower meadows. That explained a lot, although I wondered why they were not tucked up in winter quarters. Basildon Park is cow-free at the moment for that reason.

It was a mysterious world out there today. I picked up a few groceries from Vicars and then may have let my guard down briefly which meant I lost a chunk of the afternoon. T was no better. Unless there is a clear purpose, he sees no reason to get up and dressed these days.
We had our lupper – combination of lunch and evening meal and then drifted through a few TV. Programmes. T got bored so reorganised / messed up the fridge. The Christmas trees and outdoor decorations are still in their boxes awaiting my attention. Maybe whilst T is out of the way tomorrow.
The day remained white all day. But Devon saw lovely blue skies. Did I say it was cold?
Thought for the Day

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