Ironic that – the two things I had forgotten to buy, nuts and crackers, so I popped down to the filling station. But they had no crackers – nothing I could use for cheese – nuts – yes. They were nice nuts. Peanuts even – dry roasted! But no crackers. And I picked up oats to bulk up the crumble.
The night was reasonable and I awoke at a fairly sensible time which allowed for a short lie in before I needed to get up. But I forgot – I forgot the 30/40 minutes I spent wandering around at around 3.00am. I tidied the debris up in the kitchen and put washing in to wash and more into the dryer.
Then I relaxed and went to sleep. There was a lot of white outside this morning, and it even snowed in Devon. It was a chilly start to the day. The mattress was still there, lying abandoned in the drive, lowering the tone of the neighbourhood, at 06.30 but by 08.00, it had gone. That’s silent efficiency for you – must have been a bit stiff with cold. Well not bendy and floppy like it was. Bishops and actresses come to my mind.
I busied myself continuing preparations for our visitors who were coming for lunch. They were even bringing their own heater! But it was not needed in the end. However, heated fleeces were a new concept to them. So they tested them out. And professed themselves to be satisfied with their new discovery.
They come from a house without central heating and their ‘TV’ room is chilly. Apparently. It may have fleece heat soon.
We had a good lunch of prawn Thai curry, spiced by my own fair hand. With sugar snaps, peas and baby corn. Followed by pear, raspberry and ginger crumble. it slipped down very nicely. It was lovely seeing Neal and Anne again. It has been a while.
There is something satisfying about loading the dishwasher with all the dirty places, glasses etc after a big meal for several people. 1. The mess is out of sight. 2. The miracle machine washes it all clean.
And then Tony gets going scattering things over work surfaces I have tidied.
He was just about up and dressed when N and A arrived and then took command of the proceedings being a good host. As if he had been busy all morning. Taking the credit. As if!!! Next time I won’t alert him to visitors.
And the Christmas tree landed here, ending its marathon journey.
Ruth Madoc has died. She was scheduled to appear in Panto soon. A bit careless of her, but sad. I used to enjoy Hidee Hi and of course that is now one of my doggy refrains.
Our Heidi has not got out on a walk today because I had too much to do. Shame that T can no longer take her out. Or do anything else for that matter.
More frost is forecast. It has been very cold.
There is an important football match tonight. (It did not go according to plan! )
The deep cold is scheduled to continue.
Thought for the Day

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