Not Hot

Yes – definitely not hot, not warm , not tepid, nor cool. The weather remains cold. Very cold. The back garden has stayed white all day and the ground was rock hard on our walk. Last night RAF Benson was -9C, the coldest spot in the whole of the UK.

A reasonable sleep with the usual disturbance and then a late wake up. T was given his brekkie and cooperated quite nicely about getting up to get to Day Care.
I walked H along Streatley Meadows, where the sun had worn off the frost, but the ground remained hard underfoot. Frozen mud is good, not so sloppy. Or even slippy!

I needed to pop into the GP surgery at Goring to pick up tablets I ordered for T. I can do this online as his NHS profile is linked to mine. Usually these are dispensed via a clever external dispensing machine and I get a text telling me when they are ready. It’s all very clever. When it works.
And it had not worked this time. No text and they couldn’t find the tablets either. I even began to wonder if I had collected them and forgotten. Well, they were issued in the 6/12 and today is 9/12 and my short term memory is usually fairly reliable. But, it seems there was a dispensing machine malfunction. It’s like a cross between an ATM and a food dispenser. Except you need all sorts of codes )which are texted) to get past its armory. And it had been naughty with T’s meds – it had gobbled them up and forgotten to notify anyone so they just sat there. Until the pharmacist broke down the machine’s resistance and found them.

Clutching the tablets, I returned home and took the Miele for a wander round the house. I prepped some slaw veg to go with the Thai curry I shall make from scratch for tomorrow. No cheating! And I also prepped the veg and spices. And I need to make a crumble mix.

The old mattress was weighing heavy on my mind. I have a bulky waste collection booked for tomorrow. The mattress has to be kerbside by about 07.00. I could forsee trouble ahead from T.
I wanted to get it outside the house this evening because getting him to do anything early morning is really hard. It was bad enough this evening … Why? …You are talking rubbish… This is ridiculous… Move out of the fffing way … You have lost your marbles… What are you trying to do…, etc etc

But, hey it is now out there. And a timely reminder notification informed me it had to be out there by 06.00. And not 07.00.

It reminds me of a conversation at the surgery this morning, where a man stormed out muttering at the Receptionist /‘My wife’s got dementia and…. and …’ A few more moans. He had had enough and was obviously having a bad day. I felt for him! The reason for his ill-temper : He had brought a urine sample in the wrong container. I’ve been there and done that and received the same treatment. It should be made clear that you need to pick up one of the sterile medical containers. That’s a couple of times recently that I have heard carers at the ‘receiving end’ when they haven’t followed correct procedures or were late. I don’t know what the solution is but better understanding is needed where carers can be doing their best but are at the end of their tether.

My Amazon replacement tree has gone from due delivery yesterday, to by 19.30 today; to 20,00 today; to 22.00 today. It’s now 21.41. It seems to have been backwards and forwards over the last two days, to a Theale Depot, which is all of a 15 minute drive from here. It leaves me wondering what they have been doing with it/ where they have been taking it. (Update : delivery is now between 10th and 12th of this month!) I could have walked there and picked it up.

The latest info – at 22.15 on Friday

What a mess!

Thought for the Day

I found this really moving – brought a tear to my eye






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