Too Cold

The temperature was well in the minuses overnight and I can confirm the CH is not working in the sitting room. The kitchen UFH seems to be working after a fashion. So the sitting room is not the place to be. Our visitors due on Saturday, have been warned!

The night was cosy inside my bed, but there was absolutely no reason to get up and sit in our unwelcoming sitting room. It’s around 18C 19C in there. I hope that faulty part gets here soon but I am not sure it is the whole story or will be the end of it.

So much of the day was spent under a heated blanket or throw before I took myself out with H at around 15.00. I remembered my camera this time but I need to find better places to record sunset.

We were at Castle Meadows on a short walk route because it was very COLD. The cows are back there again and started a procession in our direction which was another reason to shorten the walk. The moon was keeping an eye on the proceedings and the sun was a deep blood red peeking through the trees. But I missed the sunset moment.

About 20 mins before sunset

I went shopping in Waitrose and picked up items for our feast when we entertain on Saturday. This amounted to quite a lot of money and I have to hope T keeps his fingers off it all. Or rather his teeth. No midnight feasts! I have everything I need and I hope it stays that way.

I cooked supper which T did not eat – grazing from the fridge again. And then I fell asleep on the sofa, under my heated blanket. The timer setting of 2 hours was obviously not enough because I woke up with blocks of ice where my feet should be. And skated my way to bed. I even fell asleep through Traitors which continues to be compelling viewing for me.

But I caught up in bed and will reveal nothing. Except to say it’s worth a watch.

So… no cleaners, no cleaning done, the replacement Xmas Tree does not appear to have been delivered despite what Amazon say. ( Update: they say delivery is running late.) That normally means nothing- parcels lurk in strange places. And T has had plenty of opportunity to sabotage it.

Thoughts for the Day


RAF BensonThurs night






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