All over the place

I awoke at some really silly o’clock and could not resettle for quite a while.
So I eventually did the brekkie bit and promptly slept on until 08.00. This was not very convenient.

The plumber was due at 9.00 but I got a phone call instead due to his kids being poorly and he is a single parent. But when I discovered his girls are 13 and 15 and he lives nearby in Benson, my sympathy all but evaporated.

The malfunction seems to be the fault of the powerhead(???) which needs ordering. But he says he has carried out a temporary fix. I’m not so sure about that, but wonderful Devon SIL has pointed out it may take 24 hours to warm a solid concrete floor. All will be revealed eventually.

it’s mostly the afternoons when I feel cold but I can always shift myself to the other end of the house which the radiators keep warm. But not today!

Today I had plans. Plans that did not work out because boiler boss man finally appeared well after 11.00. So. Took the plan by its tail end and H and I visited Basildon Park. We walked in the chilly grey if early December. It was quite busy there. H explored the parkland and I explored the shop. I was hoping to acquire some Christmas presents but the shop shelves were not as loaded as usual.

the cattle have been removed until March so the walk was nicely relaxed. And grey and cold. My beanie is now out on a daily basis. Gloves next.

I don’t know where our fruit goes … more was required so I dashed to Lidl before collecting T from daycare.
I almost managed to post my cheque to the lovely British chap who has worked wonders on our French garden for half the quote he sent us. Tomorrow will suffice.

I don’t really know what happened to the rest of the day. I meant to retire the Christmas tree but it did not happen. Or even rewire it after Tony stripped it last year.

There are all sorts of scheduled strikes – train, post, nurses. The country is slowly grinding to a halt. I feel for those people who will not be able to travel over Christmas. I feel for strikers too.

Thought for the Day






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