Heavy Going

Stodgy day – time to think.

The night was not brilliant. T went off foraging at some point, but the fridge was not very accommodating for him. However he was a good boy and got himself up to go to his Social Club.

He was in good spirits when I picked him up in the afternoon because they were playing table football.

I was in no hurry to leave the bed but a little gentle flexing helped. And then … There’s nothing like a shower to wake me up!
T was ready for his Day care and I as I dropped him off, I noticed a few sheets showing programmes of events for the week on one of the entrance tables. That is quite helpful to know what they are doing. Horse racing on Wednesday. And something to do with Divas on Friday.

H and I took a chilly stroll at Castle Meadows. It has been a dry day and the sun shone on us as we walked. But it has not been warm. The cattle were not present in the upper meadows. They seem to be coming and going a bit at the moment.
But I spied them lurking in the lower meadows which are quite boggy in places.
I was surprised to find only one other car parked in the muddy, crater-riddled lane. This is very unusual. A gawdy sign hinted at the reason – the foot bridge over Benson Lock is closed. No explanation, but the silly diversion was over Wallingford Bridge. And there is no footpath to Benson on that side of the river. So it was meaningless. And was probably why there were no walkers parked up.

I resisted the urge to go shopping at this point of the day. And returned to carry out various domestic activities and listen to a bit of football.

I set the alarm in case I fell asleep instead of picking up T. It was just as well I did. Moments was all I earned.

As I may have said, T appeared uninterested in my presence because he was busy playing baby foot. He used to be impossible to beat but I think he has forgotten he is supposed to be good at it.
I am beginning to think that his reluctance to perform simple chores ( eg cut his finger nails) maybe because he has forgotten how to.

He made me giggle as we got out of the car at home. He found his sweater was covered in Velcro thistle heads. The ones I tried to deny him yesterday but that he insisted on having. Some had obviously, but furtively, stuck themselves to him and he hadn’t noticed. Well he noticed today, and spent about half an hour in the garden trying to remove them. He had no recollection of the warnings I issued yesterday.
Meanwhile H’s brief foray into the garden to keep him company, ended up with her demanding to come in!

it’s been a quiet day. A day for reflection.

Thought for the Day






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