I forgot my drinking water plan and paid for it during the night.
I was awake at some silly o’clock, so made T his brekkie, had a shower and I did a bit of flexing. In fact, I forgot to stop the workout so I gained a few extra kj.
I was in no hurry to get up. It was a dry morning with a sun that was doing it’s best to warm up the day. But it was later overwhelmed by cold wet stuff. The temperature around 15.00 was supposed to be 12C but I could challenge that.
H and I went to Long Wittenham in the late morning. As usual, mud prevailed and spots of rain were falling. But they showed restraint whilst we walked and only got rid of their inhibitions once we were safely in the car. There was the usual collection of dog walkers out and about. And a horse.
T was still in bed when I returned home, so I left him there as a sort of test. To see if he ever got up. I had invited him to come out with me around 15.00 when I was scheduled to leap into my taxi and take G to his hockey match in Wallingford. However the fact T was still wearing pyjamas was a bit of a clue that he was not ready to come.
So, T and H remained at home and I faced the chilly outdoors once again.
G seemed to have recovered from his argument with someone’s studs yesterday. F is not playing at the moment because of a back problem for which she is getting Physio. Real hands-on Physio. She is not well anyway.
I sat in the car waiting the start of G’s match. He plays in goal, and his kit, which takes up the whole of the back of the car, involves such massive padded pieces, that I do not understand how he can move!
I haven’t watched much men’s hockey but it is fast and British compared with the ladies. Or even brutish. And on a cold, wet, dark evening, under floodlights, it is very chilling. I can think of better ways to spend a Saturday evening! But it was good to see Wallingford Men’s team 5 play as a team with a mix of ages from 13 years to those aged enough to have white hair. The striplings look as though a puff of wind would blow them away. G is quite a strapping 13 year old in comparison. They won their match.
I watched until just after half time when Ali arrived hot foot from her own match. Dave was watching rugby somewhere. Upon our arrival, I had puzzled over how busy was the extensive car park. This is very unusual, cars were spilling onto the nearby roads. I was lucky enough to find a recently vacated spot, in a good place to watch goal keeping activity. Trouble was, G was defending up the other end. That meant a chilly watch in the great outdoors.
I soon discovered the reason for the fullness of the car parking. Drivers were gathered in the pavilion bar to watch football. It’s called being sociable I suppose.
When I arrived home, T was up and showered, raring to go. Unfortunately for him, I was not going anywhere, my day was done. He needs to be up before 17.30 to do stuff with me. He had also been raiding the fridge and cupboards so was not very hungry for a proper meal.
The five bananas must have tasted good!
And the evening drifted by with things I intended to watch but did not. I’m looking forward to tomorrow because I can have a lie in.
Thought for the Day

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