Just as I thought it was all over…

I slept better last night. Thank goodness! My plan worked. It involved drinking all the gallons of water earlier in the day instead of during the evening. That meant I didn’t wake up every couple of hours in urgent need.
I think I’m drowning in all the litres of water that I am downing.

Today has been foul. Pouring with heavy rain. And cold.
We were at home awaiting the cleaners, and I had all but given up on them appearing this morning, when they arrived. Later than usual, but hey, they arrived. And they cleaned. And went. It was good to have them here again.

I was all set to walk H, but the weather offered no encouragement at all. In fact it offered lots of discouragement.

So I took a trip to Didcot to pick up some meals from Cook. Pen had given me a voucher which is now spent, plus some more. I purchased some meals to feed Fleur and George and us later this evening. Ali and Dave are having a well earned night away in Bath, somewhere posh. And expensive. They will be back tomorrow evening.

On the way back I contemplated the local landscape but I could not see it due to the mist shrouding everything from about 100 metres away. It was not walkie weather but I managed a quick one to the Rec and back which involved a soaking.

We were going to stay over at the Illis, but we will just visit this evening, and sleep at home. And I will visit again early tomorrow, and fetch Minnie for a walk with H, after dropping T at daycare.

That is assuming the house is not under 10ft of water. Just as I thought our domestic breakdowns were over, I find T trying to ‘fix’ the kitchen mixer tap which is wobbly in its sleeve. Now that I have researched the problem, I know it’s a common problem and easy to fix. Easy to fix, that is, if you can perform contortions under the sink and have a supply of box spanners.

After the boiler and the lights, I did not think anything else could possibly go wrong. It is annoying. T is a danger because he will forget it’s wobbly. Tomorrow is Friday and I’m irritated!

When will I ever be able to relax and do my own thing!

We took our food across to the Illis. I have spent Pen’s voucher, but on other items, which lie nestled in the freezer. Treats such as 2x prawn karahi. We were entertained by F and G this evening and left just before 21.00. It was a very pleasant time for us – nice to have them to ourselves.

Once back home, I assumed that everything annoying really was all over – and, at last, the day was done.


I could not find my phone – conclusion – I had left it at the Illis. By now, I was in my nightie and slippers. It’s but a five minute drive. At this time of night, five minutes too far. But off I went, vaguely dressed, wondering where my phone might be if it was not chez Illi.

I needed it in case of emergency during the night, being responsible for two households.

Fortunately, my phone was on their dining table. A wasted visit unwasted.

Hopefully, now, it really is all over.

Thought for the Day






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