
I experienced another really disturbed, busy brain night. Just could not settle. Kept feeling irked by what would unfold during the coming day – nothing of huge significance. The usual stress of getting T up and out to Daycare and walking H (it was pouring with rain) and a trip to the dental hygienist.

T was having one of those mornings where indigestion kicked in. He used to have these every day in the good old red wine days. Although they are rare now, they are accompanied by grunts and groans and occasionally, retching. Today was a retching day, so much so, that I wondered if it was wise to pack him off to day care.
However, he rallied and I delivered him. And he was fine. Sadly, I have discovered that his daycare Christmas lunch clashes with our Carers one in Newbury, which I had booked him into. To keep Marie’s husband company as much as anything. I think he would have enjoyed the Daycare one more.

By the time, I took H out at Cholsey Rec, the sun had appeared, and was blinding. The walk did not last long because I could hardly keep myself upright. This was due to extreme slipperyness of the slimy ground below the thin grass.

But it was enough.

I had time to return H to the house before departing for Benson where the dental surgery is located. Benson of RAF fame. The RAF bit lies on the northern edge of the village and is vast. Benson itself takes you by surprise because it is an old village stuffed full of a beautiful mix of old buildings and homes.

I replenished some domestic supplies at their local Coop because I had arrived early and had the time. Once at the surgery, I was swept in, ahead of time. All my toothy efforts seemed to be having an effect which meant I did not require so much hammer and chisel work as usual.

I returned myself home yet again, and grabbed some lunch and some respite before collecting T. He exited daycare in high spirits.
Once home, I made up for the disturbed night by falling into a deep sleep until after 18.00. It was one of those where you wake up, unaware of the time of day.

T announced he did not want any supper. Something to do with an empty mince pie box, I suspect. He will have had lunch at daycare anyway. I am wondering if his poorliness this morning is related to the tummy acne that I experienced through yesterday. At any rate, this evening, he announced his own tummy ache had actually gone. First I knew of its existence.

More football has graced the TV including more unlikely results. Japan defeating Germany for example.

Thought for the Day






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