I was awake in the night again for quite a while. Felt calm, Just couldn’t settle. I’m not sure that the dreaded Lurgy is not returning. I’ve felt fairly crap all day. Luckily it was a day with little happening.
Yesterday, I briefly contemplated an early swim this morning, but the disturbed night put paid to such thoughts. The sky was fairly clear, so once I was actually up, I didn’t bother trying to get T up, and H and I enjoyed the sun and mud at Castle Meadows.
There were some give away tyre tracks along the meadow which suggested a heavy truck or similar had come visiting. I think it had removed the cattle as they were nowhere to be seen today. Removed to winter quarters I suspect.
The sun was so bright and at such an angle, that at times, even on foot, it was tricky to see. Memo to self- take a cap with a brim.

The grass was grassy but the mud was very muddy, and between myself and H, we are not doing the car much good. But the walk was refreshing after the soaking we received yesterday.
T was still in bed when we got back so I made him a sandwich and I watched the end of a World Cup thriller. Saudi beating Argentina. That was not meant to happen!
The afternoon drifted peacefully by until it was time for me to collect F from school – for physiotherapy. The bus takes too long to get her home.
Thought for the Day
A bit old but it works …

Food for thought

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