Wet, Cold, Unpleasant

I had an unwelcome restless period in the middle of the night. I felt quite awake and wished I did not.
Then I made a hot drink and was soon fast asleep again. Until around 07.30, which meant I needed to get a wriggle on.
Same old story, the uncertainty involved in getting T up and out to daycare. He was fairly grumbly but we made it in time.

However, outside was not very welcoming. When we eventually exited the house, it was raining horrible, cold, very wet rain. Utterly miserable. When I was out with H, I discovered it was the sort of rain that trickles down your neck and breaches every little crevice or gap in your clothing.
I was unsurprised to discover few other people out and about. H expressed her displeasure by ambling along slowly.

I had intended to do a little shopping but chickened out when faced by the thought of getting even wetter.

I may have succumbed to investigating my eyelids at some point when I was at home. In fact that caused me to miss the start of the World Cup – England’s first match which was a delight to watch once I resurfaced into consciousness. A delight- mainly because they won.

However… I did not like it when Qatar(and Russia for that matter) were awarded the World Cup. The whole thing smacks of kow towing to a racist, misogynist and sexist regime, which is too coercive and controlling.
All that money directed into useless stadia which could have been better used to help other countries quagmired in poverty.
Perhaps my thoughts are too ‘western’ and I should have more respect for other cultures …

Just before the end of the match, I left to retrieve T so he was able to watch the end. Not that he really knew the occasion.

I’ve had a lovely message from Lena who seems to be settling into her new home.
Timur is missing Minnie and has written her a rather sweet letter.

The ‘envelope’ address
The cute message

The miserableness continued all day .

Thoughts for the Day

Just a reminder for the boys – the lionesses actually winning something – the Euros. It’s down to you boys now… to achieve something…no






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