Farewell to our Ukrainian Family

I awoke at some silly hour, did a little reading and sn it oozed off again. My chunks of sleep are becoming longer with fewer interruptions. These were mostly based on needing to go to the loo . Now that nasty UTI is becoming history, my bladder seems to be behaving itself better.
I have carried out research which has confirmed my suspicions that antibiotics can be responsible for fatigue. That is just a ‘can’ not a ‘will / do.’ But it may explain the constant tiredness I am experiencing. They can also take up to 6 months to leave your system. Probiotics are recommended, so I had better hunt some out. I’ve never felt affected by antibiotics before. But then I’ve only ever had one type at a time and never 3 types simultaneously and intravenously.

Today was a daycare day for T. There was only minor resistance to getting up this morning, and he was there at daycare before 10.00.
H and I walked at Long Wittenham on the flat field. There is only a small car park there which was stuffed full of cars. I’ve never seen that car park so full and a little careful manoeuvring was required.

The day, by now, was bright and sunny, not too cold. Perfect really!

A clump

I forgot to collect the multipack of screws from the all new shiny Screwfix that has recently opened in Wallingford so had to go later in the day with T in tow.

Once back home, I reminded the Miele that it had to come out of its hidey hole occasionally. And we did a dash over the carpets picking up all the mess that had accumulated since our return. That’s what I have to do owing to the absence of cleaners yesterday.

Not satisfied with the Miele, I turned my attention to the mess of long, weed-filled, grass that our lawn had become. I shall have to buy some special treatment to nurture it back into being a lawn again.
That requires weed killer and grass seed.

The little electric Black and Decker mower was always going to struggle, so I contented myself with a high cut, and will give it another going over on the next dry day. The cuttings filled our brown wheelie bin. I hope it will be emptied again before they stop for winter. The ‘lawn’ looks marginally better.

Time for a little sit down before gathering up T and visiting Screwfix and Waitrose. Waitrose because I needed cards and wrapping paper. Screwfix sell all sorts of things but not cards or wrapping paper. Can’t think why not.

I wrapped Timur’s football stickers and album and Lena’s farewell gifts – some Occitane items and an advent calendar of small tree ornaments and a miniature, lit, white, birch tree upon which to hang them.

We went over to the Illis to wish L and T farewell. A sad few moments, but the next stage in their lives is about to take off. Dave will drive them to Nottingham tomorrow- it’s his birthday. He spent his wedding anniversary rescuing us in Italy. I feel for him!

The Volvo is stacked high with L and T’s possessions. As someone remarked, she arrived with only two suitcases and is departing with half a house! The bean bag I made for Timur occupies a fair bit of space. I’m pleased to see it is highly regarded!

Thought for the Day






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