I was awake at some silly o’clock again which meant another early brekkie. And another short snooze . T was well away in the land of Deep Snoring and did manage to cooperate and arise after a little polite persuasion.
The morning dawned extremely wet with deep puddles lining the roads. By the time I had dropped T off at daycare, and was out with H, we slithered our way through the mud and slime of the lane, to access the grassy tracks of Castle Meadows.
And cows / steers. There were plenty of them all fanned out , protecting the tracks at the gate to the Meadows. H and I skirted the outliers and headed towards the bits and pieces of castle wall. Meanwhile the cows trudged on, chomping their way away.
But the squirrels were out and about in force, and in a taunting mood. Here and there, they popped out from behind trees, scampered down trees and between trees. H gave chase but in the end had to accept defeat.

By now, the horrid clouds had cleared and the blue sky surrounded us. All very nice. And slippery. And muddy.
We made it back home via the gas station and a loaf of bread and some mince pies.
I continue to feel washed out and tired. I had more energy last week. I am wondering if it is a side effect of all the antibiotics that were pumped into me.
I prepared a sandwich and a drink and was just examining my eyelids when the phone rang. It was the surgery, finally, finally making me a real face to face appointment at the GP’s request. That saves me from having to chase them up. It’s only 8 days since I dropped off my encyclopedia of discharge notes. Can’t wait! The appointment is for 1/12. I’m obviously not an urgent case.
The peace and quiet wrapped itself around me. The grass and underlying ground was like a sponge – far too wet to cut. So H and I relaxed a little until it was time to pick up T. I saw the magician packing up his kit but T could remember nothing.
We drove home and entertained each other and H for the rest of the day. Supper came into it somewhere.
Thought for the Day

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