I awoke ( finally) quite late and with T to get to Daycare…. But he was compliant, and we made it. I explained that I would need to pick him up early due to a clash of timings with the boiler service.
Next up- H and I took a spin round Castle Meadows. It was a greasy and grey day with the promise of a hint of sun later. Maybe I could have a go at a first cut of the rather long grass. We had left, in September, a dead, hard, brown dusty patch. And returned to lush greenery.
The cows were out and about at the meadows making their wiffy presence known through calls to their mates and exploration of my preferred walking areas. H is pretty good with cows now, but I still clipped her to the lead for a while as a precaution.
We returned home, I had some home made tomato soup and then promptly fell fast asleep for two hours. Deary me!
It was the alarm that awoke me at about 13.25. The alarm to remind me to pick T up early. I was quite groggy but managed to retrieve him. They were busy making Christmas decorations in a lovely atmosphere. Everyone was very absorbed. Shame to steal him really.
We had not been back long when the boiler service man appeared. He had been part of the team involved in the original installation. We moved onto Nuheat – Dave’s company and he was full of praise for their products and business services. He had even been to the head offices in Honiton.
Hopefully, we now will be warmer – the radiators are pouring out heat and the timers are set. Good job done, I hope.
i managed a stir fry for an early evening meal and more or less promptly fell asleep again. So much for tackling the long grass.
I shall pay for all that sleeping tonight. But it has been a full on time since we have been back. T to day care x 4; hairdresser; electrician x2; CH service; child’s party; Tina, lunch with carers; dinner with ex colleagues.etc etc etc.
I’m longing for a no commitment day! Tomorrow maybe!
We still have not bought the new mattresses! But hey- the old one which is too long and too narrow does the job nicely. Perhaps there is no hurry; it always was comfy.
I have found / been recommended a lovely seeming man to tackle the garden in France. He visited and read my mind as to what needs doing. It is a start!
Thoughts for the Day

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