
Annoying. This is attempt 2 at this blog, because the first typing did not save. Evernote has done this to me before. I’ve got better things to do than repeat something I did earlier. 

The day dawned grey. And damp but not rainy. The night had been so so. 

Brekkie was munched at 06.00 which allowed us to drift off again. 

We were in no particular rush to get up and go. I had lost the right to do what I wanted to on this day anyway because Tina had invited herself over. 

Once her text arrived, telling us the time of the train she was on, we swung into action, taking H for her walk at Gatehampton whilst Tina chugged her way towards Goring. H kept herself busy and showed quite an inquisitive interest in some sheep. But, look, was all she did. Probably something to do with the fact she was on a lead.

There was a bit of a kerfuffle at Goring Station because Tina exited the wrong side from the car park and couldn’t find T who I had sent to find her. He didn’t know who he was expecting to meet anyway. That possibility had not occurred to me as I was wondering where she had got to.

We took her for a tour to admire the new estate and coffee and a mince pie.

And then loaded ourselves into the car for a tour of favourite close locations of ours – Wallingford, the Clumps, Streatley etc. By now, it was bright and sunny.

Indulging ourselves, we ordered coffee at the Swan and sat and watched the world go by. 

I had booked lunch at the B and W for 16.30. That was the earliest I could get. It was a good lunch that was entirely demolished by all of us. We pandered to T and his desire for yet more coffee, darkness fell and the Thames disappeared into the black beyond. 

Next up was a trip to Ali’s snd a cup of tea, so Tina could say hi. They were busy, about to undertake some decorating. 

By now, I was quite overwhelmed with feeling tired. Tina was returned to the station where I hope she found the correct side of the platform to end up at Paddington. (Must have done because she is back)

I wrote my blog earlier for the first time. But this is my second attempt.
Then I fell asleep under a heated fleece. And staggered to bed.

Thought for the Day






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