Almost a Day off

In bed much later than usual, but this led to a more prolonged and deeper sleep. Still had brekkie around 06.00. 

T has passed most of the day in bed. Exhausted I think.  Yesterday was busy for both of us.  Today was supposed to be a day of recovery. Ha ha. 

Unwelcome News plopped into my notifications that Tina was in U.K. and wanted to visit tomorrow. This felt like a heavy weight had just squashed my free weekend flat.  Why? We have barely been back a week; we saw them two weeks ago… Do I really need a guest? Now?

Tell me your ETA , I said, and I will book a table for lunch (tricky round here on a Sunday).  Then – the reply … I will let you know when I have  bought the ticket tomorrow. Doh!

What is the point? 

After a long and very welcome lie in, I was resolute.  I was not going to be cooking tomorrow.  So, H and I took a tour of Castle Meadows, ignored Waitrose, and stopped at the filling station for a few bits and pieces. 

It was sunny but felt chilly, which was ridiculous as he temperature was around 17C.  

Curry for late lunch and I suspected a snooze might interfere with my non-existent  plans.  

The snooze under the heated fleece was very welcome until someone came and shook me awake and generally oozed an interruptive/ interfering toxicity.  Rearranging my apple core, bits of satsuma peel, glass of water, all really helpful!
The evening drifted on, me with it. Not much else happened.

Thought for the Day






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