Party time

Another sort of disturbed night mainly due to the amount of liquid that I am imbibing. And have been told to imbibe. 

We had brekkie about 06.00 , at around 08.00 , pI started the struggle to dig T out of bed in order to get him to Daycare. 

We finally made it at around 09.45. I was knackered from the stress of being constantly on his tail. 

From there, for me, it was straight to Waitrose and another novelty shop to purchase items for Timur’s farewell/ birthday party after school. And a few veg and fruity bits and pieces for us.

Sainsbury’s, in their wisdom, in a delivery to Ali, had substituted a cream tablecloth, for the yellow one ordered, and white napkins for the blue ones ordered. 

Cream and white are not exactly kiddie friendly colours. Ah! Yellow and blue – Ukrainian colours you might think. Yes… but also wrong! The blue and yellow represent Leeds United football Club. 

So I spent a while acquiring a yellow cloth and blue plates and napkins. And packs of smarties and bags of mini choc bars. Which I took over to the Illis a little later.

Poor little H had all of a 20 minute scampering across the local Rec. In light drizzle. She clearly felt short changed because she took one look at me and then disappeared to those special places, alongside swings and slides where crumbs can be scavenged.

Back at the house, Ali had also made an amazing cake. 

Leeds FC

I had a lunch date, in Hermitage, with my group of carer friends – all 6 were present. We had a good batter and catch up. Or maybe it was a matter. Or even a natter. 

Then I zoomed back to Cholsey to gather up T who seemed to have had a not very exciting day. But he often says that. He was dumped unceremoniously at home whilst I went to help with Timur’s party. I was the back room gel. Cooking the pizza, putting out sausages and crudités, crisps and other sweeter delicacies. 

There were about 11 children there , all around 7 years old and all utterly charming. I am not known for my love of kiddy parties, so being behind the scenes suited me. 

Balloons, games, little prizes, noise etc etc all the usual razzmatazz went on. There was a hitch or two when the die could not be found nor could the matches for the candles. ( Slight panic set in because we could hardly turn the candles into virtual ones.) This collection of missing equipment had never actually left the family home, as was discovered later. But their absence was overcome.

Timur and the only 2 boys in his class.

Timur really enjoyed a traditional farewell / birthday party, and its games and traditional tea. Quite different from Ukraine, so Lena said. Dave’s working day over, he arrived to release me! Ali had worked really hard showing Lena what to do, organising games and prepping food.
At this point of the day, I was utterly knackered! I escaped to give T a little of my time before the next main event- a trip to Ecchinswell to see Basingstoke friends. T was not invited to the party (just as well) but was invited to spend the evening with the Illis whilst I was out.
DCI caused a bit of a delay when a search had to be enabled to find his missing work phone. It was eventually found lying on the gravel path between the party pavilion and the parking area.

It was lovely to see Jane and Sue again; another good natter for me though the drive was quite a stretch. Tired enough when I arrived back to collect T and take him home.

So the Ukrainian experience draws to an end. I think Lena and Timur have been gifted a wonderful start to life in the U.K. Lena has a decent job to go to and a new host family. Timur had made an excellent start to school, hopefully his new one will have more than 2 boys in his class. I have enjoyed knowing them and I think we have all benefited. There were a few difficulties at times – but probably no more than to be expected. We will remain good friends and in contact etc. Well done Ali and Dave.

Relaxing post party

Thought for the Day

Our Grandson turned into a bloke whilst our back was turned in Crete

Will he overtake his Dad?






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