Day 1 at home

First Day Home 

It was a horrid start to the day – gloomy and wet and cold.  The CH did not appear to have kicked itself into life so I hid back under the duvets and on the electric blanket. 

Pen called and we had a bit of a chat. 

I had to try and get T up to get him to day care. Yesterday had been long and tiring for him.  But he made it and was made very welcome at Cholsey Day Centre. He will also go on a Wednesday as well now.  3 days per week.

That gave me opportunity to walk H at Cholsey Rec in the rain. I did not have sensible footwear or a stick.  I took a leaf out of T’s book and searched around, finding a lovely bit of dead wood to use to help balance me.  But I did have a raincoat.  It was greasy and horrid out. But H didn’t care. Her inactivity became a thing of the past and she stretched herself at speed. 

I was anxious to get home, in order to unload the car whilst T was out of the way.  Which I did. Unload the car – full stop.  The unload is scattered along the hallway and elsewhere and I only unpacked enough to fill the washing machine. I changed the winter duvet for a summer one, fighting my way into the duvet cover.  

In the kitchen, I couldn’t find any dishes of a certain size, but then I found the dishwasher full of clean stuff.  

The unloaded items could all wait for another day until I sorted through them. There is quite a lot to sort through. 

The car needs de-hairing, de-sanding, de-salting, de-crisping, de-crumbing etc etc,  

A snooze followed, Ali popped by to check up on me, she brought some soup but I was mid-way through my jam sandwich.  The sandwich that I dreamed of in the Italian hospital. Well, I finally got one!

It was time to collect T and then home via little Tesco in Cholsey.  Eggs, potatoes, toms – handy items to add to what A had already bought.  

I sat down for a bit. T got worked over the lack of heat and wanted to know ( more than once) when someone would come and fix it. I persuaded him under the heated blanket and he dropped off – as in snooze. 

Ali popped by around 18.00 bearing them most delicious variation on stuffed peppers – ones that contained a bean and veg mix. Most yummy items ever. 

Crisis in the night. Had slept well until around 03.00. Phone was dead. Dead black. No screen apart from black one. Unresponsive. Extinct. Oh noooo! After everything else that has gone on recently. This is the last straw. All my life is in that phone – diary, contacts, messages, life history. Photos et. I had no means of communication. 

By now, fed up and restless, I arose and sorted out a bit more of our holiday gear. In the chilly, unheated night air. Bingo! Amongst it was a jewel – my old iPhone 7. I charged it and it responded. But could not access any text, Mail , messenger etc. All needed passwords. 

I googled: My iPhone won’t switch on. And from the most improbable set of instructions ( press low vol, then high vol, then home button)- yeah right- sprang an apple logo. And we are back in business. Just regret those long dark chilly hours when it occupied my mind. Thank you number 7. But also on the upside – more sorting done.

Thought for the Day






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