Time Suspended

Today dawned for me with no raised body temperature, so that was a positive. I thought I might be on my way home at last… but… no. 

The previous night had involved wailing man who does not seem to be present this evening, 

The day went pretty much as other days – rounds of pin pricks and blood being taken, and IVs and family trying to sort insurance and do paperwork. I have been constantly on edge about the phone battery thanks to the no socket situation. 

Then Doctor Death appeared- not a doctor I had seen before! Bring Doctor Paulo back please , or the other nice one from yesterday. Death Doc spoke no English… DOH! WTTF! Some of the nurses have a fair smattering of English, why not send one of them with him?

He was grumpy, saying I could go home tomorrow. Not terribly convenient for the family…not sure why… to check stability I suppose. 

Moving on… nothing much has happened so I won’t bore you with repetitive details about nothing. If I think of anything of remote interest, I will include it. 

Apple, grapes and bananas again. I fancy an English raspberry jam sandwich, made on that evil white sliced bread, with a little scrape of butter. Then squash it flat!

Dave and T came to visit and the various permutations for travel home are being explored still. 

The insurance company have done nothing … apart from ask for permission to access medical records which I gave 2 days ago. Ali has torn into them… eg I thought I was paying for them to help not hinder. She reminded them of the need to book accommodation. And onward travel. Promises promises. A university friend of hers with a first in Italian has spoken to the hospital about final discharge documents required. 

The lady who brought me some bits of paper to read to do with insurance claim has not yet reappeared. It’s late and I’m sort of tired, but everything is taking far too long.

Thought for the Day






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