The night was tricky spent in the company of my 3 male ward companions. They are quiet people but the night was punctuated with blocks of being awake which were not so welcome.
However from nearby someone had a fixation with Karma or maybe it was Parma.
Come the morning, there was lots of noise at some point and I just wanted it all to go away. I had a slight headache and the usual horribleness associated with fever.
I gave myself a stink-removing wash and refreshed my clothing. The doctors came round to say my blood results were looking better, but not quite better enough. But it seems I also need to be rid of the fever before they will release me. I’ve had a fever for too long.
The day dragged on and on. There are no electricity wall sockets that I can reach. The only one there is is out of reach. When Dave came to visit, being a tall chap, he was able reach the socket to insert my 4x USB charger so some equipment received a short charge. But when I went to tug one of the apple leads to undo it, half of It fell apart leaving the European 2 prongs in the wall. Out of reach. I remembered to find someone tall enough to pull it out for me. In this day and age, I would have thought low wall sockets was a useful provision. The hospital does not provide wifi either. Or chairs to sit in during the day, or gowns, or bed washes. They don’t seem to have any buttons to press to summon help either!!
Apart from spending a lot of time drifting in and out of sleep and receiving a multitude of IV potions, I have felt warm, uncomfortable and fairly thick headed. They are running out of places to stick the needles in my arm. Yesterday was hard work finding all the admin paperwork people needed. I have not yet shed the fever. And I still can’t think straight. Today was much quieter.
I just can’t work out the angles of this bed. I find it quite awkward to get off , it goes up and down on a way that does not work with my body. There is a bit under the knees that keeps rising up when I want it to stay down. But… I have discovered that lowering the height of the whole bed makes life easier. I can then sit on the bed (in the absence of a chair) without my feet dangling in mid air.
T and DCI came to visit bringing more clean clothes and some nice fruit. They were allowed 30 mins.
There is only one person in this 4 bed ward now. Apart from me. Update – it’s full again.
I have already described the difficulty of charging stuff when the only electric socket is out of reach. But when you drop your Sil’s charger under the bed somewhere, your troubles multiply. My ‘fat’ charger needs a good charge but this must be the only place I’ve ever been with only one out-of-reach socket. After some tortuous searching and bending, I saw where the charger was and managed to hook It from Its hiding place.
Now all that activity wiped me out. I’m ignoring the hospital food trolley after yesterday’s disgustingness ! Come on, this is Italy! Even the coffee was ditchwater.
It might be Friday now.
if Karma Parma repeated was not bad enough, last night we had a variation – loud inhuman noises throughout the night. A bit like you get in horror films. Around Halloween.
This morning my temperature is normal and if the blood that they have just taken shows better results , I may be allowed to go. Otherwise it is a few more days here.
Family are thinking of logistics to get us back to the U.K. Too many options .
There is an English speaking nurse who looks very like Frankie.
Thought for the Day
I’m not a celebrity… but get me out of here!
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