What a fine mess!
I really stank yesterday – of the dirt of days, of infection, of the sweats that soaked me through as my temperature took me to hot deserts and the Arctic.
Chattering teeth returned in the night
And I was desperately thirsty. Someone summoned up some water and a blanket. And gave me intravenous paracetamol. That left me dripping with sweat. Still stinking!
I don’t often run a temperature so it is a new and unpleasant experience!
T slept like a baby until I asked him to find me a blanket.
The upshot of it all is… the heart arrhythmia has improved – they think the infection may have been partly responsible . I may need anticoagulants.
I’m getting intravenous paracetamol and antibiotics. They want to keep an eye on the infection so I will be here for a few more days. I will do as I am told. My blood results are a bit iffy . My brain scan showed it is still there. No stroke.
DCI has flown out to Turin and removed T from all the enticements of hospital equipment, cupboards and windows. Heidi will probably have to be picked up Tomorrow. ( update – she is with the boys)
I’m tired of sweating / or shivering . Just would like to be an even temperature. I’m still in emergency department but will be moved to a ward . So they say…
All staff from medics to ambulance and police have been very good . Amazingly good. DCI was allowed to visit because I am in emergency area. I quite like it here but a shower would be a bonus . I don’t feel much like an emergency.
I think I would still be in an ambulance in UK.
The Italian hospital food would soon see weight drop off me…

T’s bed is already re allocated so
It is good that they took him away. Otherwise he would have to share it!
unfortunately it is 02.04. My teeth are not chattering! For the first time since Sunday. They should be by now! I do feel slightly on ‘the edge’. Parma man has stopped shouting Parma. Rasputin in the corner here has gone quiet. I presume they have some sort of disability!
Thought for the Day
Let me get better! The anaemic slop they serve here is beyond disgusting. I am dreaming of an apple and a banana. I’m trying to work out if DCI left me one of each yesterday or whether it was a mirage! Just one of each will do. I am not having watery coffee and bits of dry toast with cheap jam again.
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