
This is about Saturday

I was convinced the hour would fall back when we were on the boat tonight, Sunday.  What a long Saturday night that was! I woke up a couple of times and it kept being 04.00 and I just assumed that I was confused.  Ha ha .  But it was such a lovely room – with the amazing view… nowhere better to spend our last night.  The swimming pool twinkled away but I suspect it was a bit chilly. 

No one is swimming now!

The wind was less frenetic first thing when I took H out,  but it was as strong as ever at Tina’s up the hill. 

Our room
view from our hotel room.

H and I had a short walk on the tiny beach and more wandering as the day progressed. She was in compliant mood as far as a wee was concerned and did plenty of those…a good thing, given we are 24 hours in the boat. 

Brekkie slipped down nicely, outside,  by the pool.  We joined a fair few guests.  We bade our farewells to the Mavroudis’s and set off on the long and winding way north. 

The journey to Patras was easy and straightforward with no hold ups apart from at the very end as we approached Patra port. But, traffic travelling east was heavy and congested – people returning at the end of a holiday weekend I suppose.  

Our Patra hold up was due to a lorry break down. It will take some sorting! A lorry had broken down on a road works diversion off the national highway.  It was a single carriageway diversion.  Therefore, this unfortunate, faulty lorry was holding EVERYTHING up.  Stationary. Immobile.  And we had a boat to catch. As did some of the other traffic I suspect.  After all, it was the road to the port. 

Someone was very clever and managed to get the faulty lorry moved right up against the side of the road so cars could just squeeze past but not motorhomes etc. We were ones that squeezed through. And made it to the port with time to check in etc. 

I noted 3 other U.K. cars, one was occupied by a couple with their pug dog, who are somewhere nearby in a pet cabin. T was being really silly about where we were etc and about going to the loo. Trying to be funny but not succeeding.  And in a brief moment when he did go to the loo, I explained why he was coming across as a twit. (Polite version). The wife immediately understood as she has worked with dementia cases. 

After a long wait to get through the Greek immigration controls, we made it onto the boat.  They asked for a piece of paper to do with Heidi. This was news to me… Further research has shown they just require proof of vaccinations etc.

I just embarked and I hope the problem will go away.  

Unfortunately the aches and pains that had been controlling my joints sprang into serious action so that I knew something was seriously not right. Uncontrollable shivers and teeth chattering and freezing feelings took over so that I lay in bed, barely able to breathe. T found a spare duvet in a spare bunk bed and that seemed to help so I did fall asleep for an hour or two. 

By now I was feeling overheated so a cold shower proved soothing. 

Is this Covid? I wondered…

Hot / cold smacks of a temperature. All paracetamol are in the car. 

So it is now 03.00 and I definitely feel better than I did a few hours ago. Or did, until morning arrived.

Thought for the day






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