OXIbirthDay … the leaving of Kriti…

Happy birthday to Oskar and Heidi, to Minnie x2, to Millie and Charlie, Benny et Al…

I had such a good sleep last night. A really good one after days even weeks of not such good ones. I was still awake around 06.00.

There was a brief waking period due to wind.  Very strong wind that started in the early hours, then dropped a bit, then got itself going again. Fiercely. 

So, from 06.00, I fiddled around awaiting a time to get up to set off for the walk shortly before daylight would arrive.    

After I parked the car, I could see no Multicolored flashing lights so I assumed Chris had passed me by and was taking the mob back. I was wrong! Skinny and the two big ladies appeared as I opened the car door. The wind had other ideas for the car door – eg stripping it out of my hand.  So a battle ensued- between me and the car door, me and the two dogs! And H who wanted to exit the car.  But that meant opening two doors! And then there was the heady itch (aka head torch) to organise. And my hiking pole. What a girl! 

H and I saw the other dogs disappear and started off on our walk guided by  the light of the head torch. 

Other flashing lights suddenly appeared and Chris could be heard round the other side of one of the bushes.  H, as usual, went mental.  I don’t get such greetings! 

The wind was less strong as we wandered up the promontory or maybe it was just more sheltered. It was another nice start to the day.

Upon our return I sorted out the car (a bit) and reorganised the wheelie bags. T stayed in bed and I managed to get most of this done without his interference. I also deposited another half ton of stones on the waste ground. 

I needed eyes in the back of my head to make sure he hadn’t packed hotel towels, or kitchen equipment. He gave it a good try. And my parting shot was to tell him to leave the key in the lock on the outside of the door, as our host had instructed. His parting shot was to remove the key and bring it to the car. However, I was alert to this possibility and nipped it in the bud. 

We said our farewells to Chris and a tearful Maria at Grammeno. And particular thanks go to Chris for bring so patient and helpful. 

We ate a last meal in a busy Palaiochora, which included tasty courgette chips. There had been earlier parades of children doing ‘things’. 

Our drive through the mountains, stark in their majesty, was as striking as ever. The further we travelled into the interior, the heavier and darker the clouds, mostly to the east. By the time we arrived at Souda, rain was splattering the windscreen. Have only seen about two days of rain in the last four months. And those two were here in Crete. 

Souda port has been improved, they have improved the parking, so you can’t. Park that is. It is still a bit scruffy round the ANEK main offices. We had an orange juice and a coffee and tried to

persuade H to wee in the new grassy fountain area. But it wasn’t smelly enough. 

We were soon on the boat and ensconced in the cabin. Around 2 hours before departure. Deck 4 at 06.00 we were instructed. T has spent the cabin time fiddling and fidgeting with every switch and every gadget. I have pretended we can’t go looking for coffee because we can’t leave H. This is absolute rubbish, but I can’t bear sitting around whilst he has yet another pricey hot drink. 

There is a boat in the distance
Souda port from our cabin

I shall probably post this a day early. 

I am very sad to be leaving Crete after this adventure. I can’t see me bringing T back again. I had my misgivings before I organised the trip. I am pleased we came. But it is not something I would wish to repeat. 

We have had good company for some of our weeks away. But I always knew that 8 weeks without respite would be hard. And I cannot expect others to pick up the slack. 

This year, unlike others, he has not had a clue where we are/ were most of the time. Every minute of every day ( unless he is asleep or picking up stones) my ears are assaulted by total drivel or repetitive questions.

The stone gathering, as well as environmental destruction ( plants and sticks) is new. As are his ‘acquisitive’ habits. His memory is so obviously non-existant. His confusion is utter. So I am not even sure what he gets out of it. 

Thought for the Day






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