Trouble at t’Mill

I was awake quite early after a rather disturbed night due to the presence of itchy creatures. Not the huge fat whining variety, but the subtle ones that you can’t see, and which go for your ankles and shoulders and other parts that are not easily reached. A fork helped. Reach those parts that is.

T was moaning on about his itches so in the end I fumbled around and found our very expensive Korres spray repellent cream. Korres produce is supposedly all ‘natural’ ingredients. Anyway it ‘naturally’ got rid of the bastards as they stayed away from me and since T went silent, the smell of my treatment was probably enough to keep them off him. 

Since I was awake earlier than I wished to be, I prepared myself for another early walk. H and I – off we went. I was fiddling with my headtorch on the edge of the promontory, when I was assailed by three big dogs. In fact, the whole gang, minus 2, were there to greet me. The three big ones were the first to arrive and fling themselves around. Well – two did the flinging, but Skinny adopted a more mature approach. H was unphased this morning. The two missing dogs were her brother and her father. And I never did see them. 

The sun rose over the little island near Palaiochora, and there was not a cloud in the sky. The hovering UFO that I had noticed as I left Flisvos was a street light. A very tall one. 

Sun arise…

It was a nice walk. 

Luis, Hiera, Heidi
Skinny and Chris

Luis tried it on this morning. I noticed him heading in my direction as Chris returned at the end of the walk, but he got caught out and summoned back.

I returned , I couldn’t make a hot drink as there was no power of the electrical variety. Houmas had power. We did not. So I went for my swim. It was slightly chilly. Well I exaggerate. It was chilly. But refreshing. 

Our host sorted the power out by flicking a switch and all was good. We could have coffee. Which we enjoyed on our balcony overlooking the pool and two majestic palm trees as well as lush grass. 

They wanted to change sheets etc so we disappeared into Palaiochora for more coffee/ orange juice and an ice cream. 

I then decided to investigate an olive mill in the hills at Sarakina. So we motored into the mountains along narrow roads that took us into the sweet chestnut tree band. But the mill at Sarakina won’t have olive oil for sale until mid November. We were too early. And that became the theme of the day. There is another mill further into the mountains but I decided to leave it. 

Someone else offered us oil but it is last year’s. We may approach them again. 

Next, we returned to the Palaiochora Mill of the broken down equipment. When we arrived it was chuntering away again , but all was not well with the mill. And it soon stopped chuntering. And the two men were pressing all sorts of buttons and gazing at electronic panels and nothing much was happening. This all took a while. In the meantime the machine squirted out squashed olive residue reminiscent of a large cow producing its pats.
T was not sure where we were or why we were there, so turned his attention to two very cute kittens. Heidi ignored them and also wondered where we were and why. And it was very hot. 

Eventually, even I got bored so asked in my best Greek if they had fresh oil. ‘Tomorrow’ I was told so put in my request. I asked whether it was better tomorrow or the day after whereupon the man became animated. I think It was my crap Greek that did it. Tomorrow, he repeated. So, tomorrow it is, though that might be a greek tomorrow.

We returned to our nest with its nice clean sheets – all ready for a cup of tea. We have two more nights on this island. it has been good, but I’m ready to go home! I need some peace.

We went and lazed around on Houmas Beach for a while. This involved another swim.

My shopping list –

salt (organised)

oil (might be organised)

gigantes beans ( not organised)

a greek flag (not organised)

I’m just wondering how everything might or might not fit in the car.

The latest behaviour irritation is T taking the electricity card and attached room key out of the slot… then the lights go off… then he insists it’s nothing to do with him as he stands there, key in hand, Yeah right. And I worry where the key might end up.

Thought for the Day






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