The Return of the Wind

With a vengeance. And nothing to do with beans or lentils because they are in short supply here.

Second wind …

It is Friday. We will be off back to the UK in a week or so, via Piraeus and Rafina. 

The night was somewhat disturbed – a new bed to get used to. And not a lot of space round it to get to the bathroom which is through the kitchen/ sitting area. 

The wind was very strong first thing this morning and very very strong by later in the morning. And unbelievably strong by early afternoon. 

I walked H towards the sea, but the track I chose was very hazardous for us – or for me in particular. It was uneven, rutted and lined with pebbles. The sky was more or less clear but the sun was taking a while to put in an appearance. The day felt grey. 

We wobbled our way around various bits of track until we were back to where we started. 

By now it was just after 08.00, and we needed to leave for the vet at Maleme at09.00 to get H’s passport updated for her return to the UK. 

Only things did not quite work out as I had hoped. Regulations have changed, or may have changed, and H will need to see a vet en route, somewhere.

Nevertheless the drive through Kissamos to Maleme and back, was pleasant enough. 

We topped up fuel and cash. There is no fuel at Falissarna. I haven’t seen a cashpoint either.

We took H for a walk on the beach. It was very very windy, so much so, the car door was almost wrenched out of my hand.

The sand was whipping across the beach and there were virtually no people to be seen. An orange juice and a coffee were enjoyed as we looked across the Desert-on-Sea. Two friendly digs visited to say hello. Big friendly dogs.

T has little perseverance with things he does not like or events he does not enjoy. So we retreated back to the apartment and repositioned our chairs so that we could enjoy sitting in the sun. Which is what we did. It was much more sheltered there and we have also been provided with sunbeds. It was just lovely.

Eventually, nicely roasted, I decided to hide within where it was a little cooler. The grapes claimed my attention and I made myself absent for a little while. 

His Impatience eventually disturbed me. After a very nice cuppa, our/my research took us out to Captain Nicholas, a taverna by the sea, on a lower road through Phalasarna. The setting was beautiful by a little harbour as the sun dipped and darkness reclaimed its domain. 

A red sun!

At the same time, the wind continued to gust heavily, and T whinged about feeling cold. The chilly, windy atmosphere I subjected us to would have been missing had we turned soft and gone inside. 

Home to a FaceTime with Anne and then bed.

Thought for the Day







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