Yet More Wind

I tended to think of wind as not interfering with my daily activities, but it is certainly making a mess, at the moment, of things I like doing.

For example – swimming which I really enjoy but finding somewhere calm enough or safe enough is very difficult. Impossible even. 

It’s been a difficult day managing T’s expectations. 

Back to the start of the day… well the night was another good one with a reasonably late wake up time. The wind was continuing to screech outside the back door, whilst once the clouds cleared, the balcony (pashio) was very warm. Hot even. 

H and I took ourselves down to the Elafonissi paths. It was breezy and a little refreshing. But enjoyable and H was more than happy to have another doggy treat from Maria. Maria said she was moving on today, but I’m not sure if it was just to do shopping or whether it was a permanent move. 

Sunrise at Elafonisi

I returned to not get T up. He seemed pretty anchored to the bed. Or maybe he has grown roots. 

Eventually … we were ready to go out. We agreed on a trip to AL, which is where we went. Just in case a swim was possible, but it was not. There was no one else there when we arrived. Hardly surprising, considering the strength of the wind. 

We settled ourselves in the most sheltered nook we could find. And stayed for an hour or so. In a lull, it was pleasantly warm, but then in the next moment, we were all but flattened. To the north, the clouds hung grey and threatening, and I’m fairly certain that there was rain in the mountains. Quite a bit of rain. 

The olives are now being harvested round here. The trees are laden with small olives. The local groves are very organised with low trees of similar height, in orderly rows. Not at all like the trees which hug the mountain sides.

T and rock
Olive grove

I suggested another Elafonissi walk. It was busy down there again, but T was having none of it – one leg swung out of the car and then it swung back in again and His Grumpiness declined a walk. 

So we returned to our studio just as the cleaners were entering. So there was a smart about turn, and we walked around the hotel olive groves and settled ourselves on a bench on the hotel terraces. It was really pleasant there- yes, breezy, but manageable. . The only problem lay in the fact the hospitality stuff was not open to assuage our needs. Shame -it was nice out there. 

Sea in the distance.

We returned to Glykeria for more of their tasty food. Really nasty clouds dominated the views to the north. I expected a drowning but the mess avoided us. 

We took H for a quick stroll but her legs were firmly crossed. I think it must be to do with the wind. 

So all in all a rather wasted day. A bit of this and a bit of that … Removing T’s collections of stones and olive twigs. Yet again.

He has spilt his chocolate ice cream all over the car seat. Again. My irritation is at maximum threshold. He flatly denied it. I was silly enough to point out that he was the only person to sit in that seat, as well as he was the only person to eat chocolate ice cream. This just made him explosively angry. Backed into a corner I guess. In his own reality.

Thought for the Day






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