It felt like the last chance saloon! We did not hang around at Aspro Limni.
When I woke up this morning, the wind was howling past the back door. The rain was lashing against it. It is a very heavy door, but if not closed properly, it can fly open. We learnt the hard way. It was also dark.
Once it was light enough, I took H out into the olive grove, where, unbelievably, a clear rainbow hung above in blue skies, I was battling to stay upright, but she was having none of it. – I’m not sure if it was the wind or the rain that got to her, (because it was raining though the sky was blue) but she was determined to return inside as if it was yesterday. Meanwhile I trailed her around – a wasted trip. I warned her that she had better not have any accidents, but her ears were down and she was pulling towards our door.
T was not in any mood to get up so I turned my attention to boiling the 6 eggs we bought yesterday so we could have them for brekkie or snack suppers. Boiling eggs is not tricky. In fact, I don’t need a recipe for boiled eggs. Easy peasy.
The bit that was not easy was turning the two plate cooker on. There was a red light hovering grimly over the lock symbol. I tried every thing to get rid of it. I pressed buttons, held them for several seconds, pressed other buttons, researched it on the internet, eventually realised it was a ceramic hob, not an induction one. I could input the make and model and search online.
But suddenly, the lock light went off and it was useable. How did it switch off? No idea. But oh so slow. I’m used to the instantaneity of induction not the snail speed of older technology.
Anyway the eggs are cooked and in the fridge waiting for me to do something with them.
That took a while. My shower did not. It was T’s turn to shower so I took H out again. The blue sky was still spitting on us and it was still windy and H was still not compliant.
Eventually T was ready – another morning wasted- though he will say he spends his time waiting for me!! I had meanwhile enjoyed the sheltered warmth of our vast patio/ terrace.
I explained to T we would be facing savage weather conditions but that H required a walk free of the lead.
We pootled around the E4 at Elafonissi where people were actually arriving to the blue of the sky and turquoise of the waters. And the buffeting of the wind.

The walk was short – 40 mins or so, but great. T did not complain, but spent his time finding a walking stick and destroying more of the ecosystem. H did all that she did not do earlier and ran happily around. The sun was warm, the wind was wild and the rain had stopped.
I suggested Aspro Limni might be warm in the sun. So off we went. Sun? What sun? By the time we got there, the sun was overwhelmed by grey from over the mountains and more serious drops of rain. We curtailed that visit. No hanging around there.
Next – lunch. At To Glykeria. This has to be the To Skoleio of Elafonissi area. Dishes with a twist. Or just Inventiveness. And a view to die for… must sound familiar.

It was excellent – caramelised octopus on fava and lamb chops with best chips ever for T. Someone in the kitchen there has a good nose for spice and flavour. Their green salad was also yummy. Not heavily drowned in mizithra for once. Lightly grated.
We limped home where I enjoyed the warm sun on the sheltered patio until I was too hot. T went to sleep.
We whiled away the evening listening to the radio about some injustice or other. I am discovering that T enjoys the radio and takes it in – better than the TV. Perhaps because his sight is so bad, it is easier just to listen than to listen and watch.
One interesting item we listened to was called the Brain Drain – how we, in the UK, are ’lifting’ doctors from Nigeria and other parts of the world who do not have enough doctors. We do not train enough to meet our needs and it is cheaper to take them from elsewhere. And then you have unscrupulous agencies who provide them with tight and unfair contracts.
Thought for the Day
Food for thought

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