Here, There and Everywhere

The night was intermittently exciting with a lot of flashing and some very loud clashing and banging. Rain was also involved. The ground was quite soggy come the morning. 

At about 06.50 I prepared us hot drinks. Mine did not look or taste right. A quick stir revealed the milk had curdled. I blame the storm – as the saying goes… how did the thunder manage to curdle the milk that was inside the fridge? T’s tea was milk free so he was OK. 

I could not be bothered to make another cup so H and I took the car down to Elafonissi. Clouds hung heavy amongst the olive groves, but the sun was trying to interfere closer to the sea. 

The rain had wreaked havoc with the rough track, in places, and there were the beginnings of the ravine that had completely divided the track one March, a few years ago. 

However at sea level, we parked up and followed the E4 walk, or whatever it is until we could access the beach. This access was away from the lagoon towards more open waters which lapped the rocky shore line. Xx

A sad and dilapidated shrine sat on the beach, greeting passers by. 

H had a good run around, sticking her nose in here, there and everywhere. 

There were plenty of puddles but no / few people. 

We returned and I sat around waiting for T to get his act together. I tell a lie- not much sitting around because I washed a few of our garments. 
Because the weather was set to be dubious and unreliable, we decided to visit the nearby monastery.

That was a bit of a disaster – no pets allowed and it was raining and there were too many steep steps without anything to hang on to. We left H in the car, it was cool enough, and explored what we could. It was rather scenic. The bits we explored. 

After the excitements of the monastery, we decided to go and sit on Elafonissi beach with a coffee. Another wasted brain effort, nothing was open. Probably because the hospitality people had correctly read the runes and decided the limited numbers visiting would make it not worth opening. More wasted brain effort. Well there was always coffee in our room- or even better in the hotel restaurant. More doom – restaurant is now closed between 12pm and 17.00. Too bad if you want lunch. We didn’t. But we ended up eating in the early afternoon after all this wasted effort. 

So, we found ourselves back at Kosmos where we ate the other night. No bad thing. Here, there and everywhere.

I wanted to revisit our little lagoon to see if it was standing up to the rough seas that were storming the coast. 

That was exciting! The wind was so strong that the car doors were tricky to handle and it made me wobble. The sea frothed around the perimeter rocks and the waters of the lagoon had received a good stirring, It had also filled up as you could no longer walk the beach round it. 
However, H was able to explore the nooks and crannies among the rocks, because, for some strange reason, no one rlse was there.

The clouds over the mountains were purple, probably raining, I thought. 


We returned to the hotel via bananas and the mini market – it was clearly going to be an evening in. Luckily the room is spacious and comfortable with a sofa. We were not hungry. Listening to the radio is becoming a top past time. I am beginning to investigate our next stopping places. Probably Falassarna or the north coast. With a couple nights back in Palaiochora – possibly a couple of early walks for H. I’ve missed the camping company but various things conspired against staying on, most recently, the weather.

T has not been easy to amuse getting bored and fidgetty and not wanting to walk.

There is a family staying in our block who is breaching my irritation threshold. Old misery that I am. Not noisy, but they have a child who never stops talking. He does not yell or shout, just constant irritating patter that drifts into our daily living space and is relentlessly inescapable. He is louder than his parents .

Thought for the Day






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