Keep Away from the Edge

Another reasonable night apart from a short wakeful interlude. One more night here and then we move on. 

H and I wandered along the beach and I briefly considered heading for Grammeno car park but decided there was not enough time. So I chatted to a Belgian man whose first morning it was – ( of many to come). 

My handbag felt strangely heavy, especially since I had removed my heavy mobile charger. Back in the room, I investigated it and found several rocks inside it. That will teach me to leave T in charge of my bag whilst I swim. I found another doggy poo bag of rocks in Heidi’s bag of goodies, never mind the boulders secreted in the car. I tipped a load out at Grammeno – careful examination of rocks near our cabin or car park, might reveal the presence of intrusive ones. Then there was the heap wrapped in ripped tissue at the little bay.

The days are glorious at the moment … low to mid twenties Celsius and cooler in the evenings. 

My plan today, after brekkie, was to take T to the barber in Palaiochora, which I did. 

On the way, we met the brother (of two sisters) whose family run the Odyssey pizza place and we had a chat. 

Outside the barber was one of his sisters – the one we know well. We had a long, long chat whilst T was under the razors and I explained about his Alzheimer’s. She was helpful conveying instructions to the barber who did a fantastic job for 10€ less than in U.K. 

We then went to Gianni’s place for coffee and orange juice and he asked how we were, as did his wife, thinking we had a home in Palaiochora . He used to recognise the Renault.

And then, we met the other Pizza sister as we returned to the car. Notorious! Nice to feel known and welcome after 3 years. Even though the town is busy, tourist numbers are decreasing. 

We then headed inland for a tour of the local hills (aka mountains) which was quite scary in places as the road was often unfenced, or narrow, or crumbling away, or all three. T took control telling me to keep away from the edge. But edges of precipitous greek mountain roads are very safe and well protected by … absolutely nothing or flimsy bits of wire.

Like this
Or this
Thats the sea
That’s top secret

We even got quite close to the top secret military installation that no one apart from everyone knows about. In fact, I was afraid we were going to end up there. But the road brought us gently down to the reservoir in Kountoura.

I intended to have another swim at the little bay but the waters were a bit choppy, There, T encouraged a crazy teacher to join us who I quite wanted to shake off. She was very pleasant and teaches English at Kountoura Primary school, but she kept feeding H chips etc and T got caught up in it and invited her to join us etc etc. You can get the picture. 

I needed to discourage the friendship if only for H’s sake. It was pretty there but the waves were not. pretty.

Instead we returned to Megim amd enjoyed a snooze .

The Third Eye provided us, E and the Bears and Chris with an excellent last supper, though it has been pointed out that the water was pricey. Everyone goes in different directions tomorrow.

Thought for the Day

Havent got one except this is posted late.






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