I slept well despite the usual disturbances, with a loose blanket and Fanny remained banished in the corner. I awoke at 05.50, which again meant it was not worth going back to sleep. So H and I had quite a long wait for daylight. Gone are the days when I fearlessly stomped around the promontory – out in the dark and back in the dark.
I used the time to pay some bills online and to finish yesterday’s blog.
Eleanor passed me as I was getting ready and floated off into the dark beyond. It was a windy morning with a cloudless sky and Orion was peeping down at me through a gap in the tamarisk canopy. Or at least his belt was.

There was eventually enough light and I caught up with the pack who were loitering, and sheltering from the wind at the end of the promontory. There wasn’t really much action apart from their fluffinesses’ fluff standing up on end.

E and I wandered back behind Chris, in the company of Skinny who is the gentlest and most serene of dogs.
E took him back and I returned with H. It was too chilly to do anything other than contemplate a swim. Though the sea looked fairly benign despite the 7BFT that screeched across the beach car park, sending the essential water jet way beyond its likely trajectory.
Brekkie followed, as did a shower.
A chat with Allie revealed Fleur’s school hockey team – Years 9-11, one of only 2 state schools competing against self important private/public schools, won the plate in the tournament. F was captain and the whole thing caused great excitement. Well done Team Downs.
Lena has a job offer in Nottingham so it is a question of watch this space.
T and I went on a little excursion high in the mountains above Kandanos to Temenia. Stunning views and narrow winding roads.


Once safely down the mountain and through Palaiochora, we ate a late and very delicious lunch at Houmas. The bread, though white, was quite delicious , all holey just as I like it –

The bean and greens stew was not bad either.

And then came the orange cake.

Back at the camping, various people passed by after I had a swift snooze. Chris came by but did not hang around. Eleanor and Terry and Chris also passed by and chatted for a while. Unlike me, they had swum, and reported the sea was very refreshing.
I think we will be in bed early tonight as we are still stuffed from lunch. And I’m cold!
It may rain tomorrow.
Thought for the Day

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