
Well… I awoke at 05.50 which meant I had to get up because there was not enough time to go back to sleep. 

So I meandered through my preparations and visitations etc.  There was quite a strong breeze, from the north I think.  Blankets were at the ready last night and Fanny stood sulking in the corner. 

Eventually I set off because the girls in the cabin next door were out on a loo visit so H and I sat at the bar, whilst we waited quite a while, for daylight to grace us with its presence, observing flashing lights and torches out on the promontory. Bit like fireworks really.

The large bearer of a green light tore past us along the beach and quickly disappeared again. 

H and I wandered across the beach admiring the hose which was busy watering the car park. Bit odd, I thought , watering a sandy, stony, rough, unsurfaced car park. Odd, even though this is Greece. 

I met Skinny, who was first to say hello and then run away, followed by a succession of other dogs and people. 

We exchanged greetings with C and E and they returned with most of the pack so they could bring the big guns out again. As is usual. 

Annoyingly, we were not the only people out there. 3 others were wandering the rocks and I know that H gets fiercely possessive and barky about her promontory so she was clipped onto the lead. 

We two wandered over to the lagoon where H (unclipped long ago) turned her head east to watch the somewhat spectacular sunrise. It was not long before the rest arrived. Isabella cleverly planted her crusty, slobbery tennis ball on an island. Probably never to be retrieved, unless by a mermaid.

Isn’t she the most gorgeous dog?

After some chit chat we returned and I went straight for a short swim. Winds were forecast for later, which never really materialised. But an early swim is a good precaution.

I met Obi, who had been missing on the walk, on the beach and decided I had better not ignore his overtures of friendship and took him home to be with H.  Then I set off for my swim again. 

Obi behaved nicely until rescued by Chris. 

There are quite a lot of dogs resident in the camping at the moment, including 3 cuties next door and a handbag dog two doors away.  

Thereafter I’m not sure what we did apart from allow Bona to change our sheets etc. 

I had quite a long chat with Ali on her way to watch hockey. It seems Lena may have a job but things are a little bit balloony ( up in the air).

However, Frankie has got herself a temporary job until January, to everyone’s delight! At Moshulu, answering calls and emails. useful experience and money and discounted shoes and accessories.

At 3 o’clock we were due chez the Swedes for Fika (tea and social chit chat). This was very enjoyable except Christine tripped on her way there and gave herself a bit of a shock and a lacerated hand. Terry had an interesting tale to tell about adventures with Interpol and Swedish police.

Later …
T ‘lost it’ in the loo, chuntering on to himself as I was waiting for him. His filter was shattered.
He was banished to the beach with H returning proudly with a very large and empty cardboard box.

He lost his filter again this evening, just avoiding a public showdown, by the barest of squeaks. Torrid unpleasantness descended becoming our private theme.


But the beans were good!

Thought for the Day






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