I slept quite well with the usual interruptions, awaking around 06.00. It took me most of that hour until 07.00 to prepare myself and H for the walk.
Preparations were interrupted by a floating white apparition that was growling and trying to bark. This amorphous ghostly shape was very confusing to a simple soul like me.
It was also in my way – in between myself and Les toilettes. They were a must do/go to.
So H and I lingered until the ghostly shape and whatever floated at the end of the straps it was clutching disappeared.
Gingerly, we made our way to do our duty and legged it back,
There was more trouble- someone was running along the beach with a dog in semi darkness and a green light was flashing at the tip of the promontory. I gather that my little flashing friend has been ‘dumped’ attached to some vegetation whilst the other dogs get a walk. Oh Luis- I miss your cheeky face.
I met Eleanor and Chris as they returned with the gang, so H and I joined them as we went back again. We lingered by the lagoon where the dogs explored and sniffed the air. Some followed Chris up the sheerest of rock faces. Others paddled.

Eleanor and I returned at my pace (slowly) and I constructed a sort of brekkie from our limited supplies.
T was not having a good day. I handed him shower gel and a towel, but getting him to the shower was another challenge. A huge hurdle. He tried everything under the sun to avoid the shower / from tidying the fridge, the crate, H’s bowls. And then he wanted a sit down. Stuff of nightmares. Christine appeared and he finally left. I think she was surprised that he should take so long. But I wasn’t.
He remained confused for much of the day, which included some retail therapy in Palaiochora. Successful purchase of a dog lead and dog ’massage’ brush and a pair of crocs for me. That will help me move around. The doggy things were a half price bargain.
We may have enjoyed an ice cream at Vakakis whilst raiding the shop for other shut-you-up delicacies.
It was around 33C according to the car thermometer though the streets had seemed cooler and breezy.
Thereafter things got exciting. The sea beckoned! Although there were lots of individual breakers, I decided I should swim. Ha ha! I was on my botty before I got as far as any serious depth of water. It was up and down the bumpy seabed all the way. I swam and decided to leave the sea in a silly place which involved more unceremonious placing of my backside on the ocean floor. I thought I might have to finish my life at sea. But the beach just past Delino’s rescued me .
I dried off. Chris called by but not for tea. Too many distractions for him.
We ate at the bar / restaurant and are about to be in bed early once more. Another night with Fanny I suspect.
Some English people have moved into T3 – no idea who they are, but they must live in Greece.
Oh well- time for adventures with the bb. And excitements of the night ahead.
Thought for the Day

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