And to think I thought things were Better

Silly me! This is about Sunday.

Each day had seemed a little better for the old spirits. Though today I didn’t get to swim. And there was some pear shaped stuff going on.

Anyway the early walk was good. I spent the usual time in the good company of Eleanor and Chris.

And Sasha, Isabella and Heidi.  No green flasher around the camping this morning.  

The morning was another silvery lemon one, but with a wonderful breeze that rippled the air and roughened the sea. 

It was such a relief after recent humidity and heat. 

The sun was hiding behind a translucent veil of protective cloud. But soon broke through. 

We spent time by the lagoon where Sasha and Isabella were trying to rescue a ball from the salty water. It took a while. H offered silent advice. With a smile.

H by Eleanor
Salty ball

We were there awhile and E and I returned together as Chris galloped into the distance. H took herself off for another quick dip off Alonaki Beach. I eyed up the watery tumult on Grammeno beach and forewent my morning swim. 

That left me twiddling my thumbs a bit and time hung loose. I fed T his brekkie and watched the world go by. A few times. 

Terry passed by and we enjoyed a chat. Or I did. He showed us pictures of his home- a magnificent boat with lots of space and a proper bathroom. Must be nice to be able to move your home around the rivers.

Typically, one of the main reasons I’m finding things so hard is related to our domestic arrangements. And the associated procedures detailed below…

I shall call this the bog bucket incident. (Never mind the fact I found 4 beer cans in it earlier this evening). It helps, at bedtime, to have the bucket in position by the cabin door with the lid up. Otherwise it sticks shut which can be a nuisance, if you are in in a hurry, in the dark of the night. I don’t know how many times this evening T has moved the bb backwards and snapped the lid shut. Each time (at least 4 ) I’ve asked him to reposition it. Each time he has moved it back again. Each time he has used unpleasant language. And has told me 1. He has not moved it 2. He does not understand what I am saying

This is the sort of thing I can do without.

It is continuous nockering which is wearing and stressful. It covers all areas of our lives from the use and positioning of the bog bucket to driving advice, including his telling me something is a silly idea, or I’m stupid or I’m talking nonsense or I’m ridiculous, or I’ve no idea what you are talking about, or ‘if you say so.’ I think I may have meant bickering. Not nockering.

The day sort of drifted on after the no-swim start. It was a peasant temperature with strong windy gusts in the morning. Sand and dust was blown around and items on our table became twiggy. The sea  was in turmoil with plenty of white horses, but calmed down as the day progressed.

I may have snoozed a bit this afternoon.

We had another good meal in the campsite restaurant.

And then it was off to bog bucket games and bed.

Thought for the Day






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