Hot Hot Hot

This is about Saturday – I’m getting in a bit of a muddle over the days. .

It was already very warm when I awoke and the fan had been on all night.  No flashing green light this morning.  I think the flasher was on the end of a lead.  Somewhere that was not here. Nor were there any cats around us.  But the camping is quite busy and I expect there are other attractions for pussies.  

H and I followed the usual Procedures until it was light enough to venture out around 07.00.  The knee feels slightly better today but something feels different that causes me to be very careful.  

We bumped into Eleanor (who had waylaid Chris much earlier) and Chris and all the dogs. And wandered up the promontory to be greeted by more lemony daylight as the sun rose above misty clouds. 

Paddle boarders
Skinny says hello

The dogs hovered around doing their thing whilst we chattered. Then I took H off for a paddle whilst the pack returned. 

Once back at the cabin, I took my swim for about 30/40 mins to Houmas Bay and back. 

It has been a very hot day again – 30C+.  Perhaps not quite so humid,  as I have dripped  and melted less than yesterday. 

The day has brought a much more positive spin. T has been marginally more compliant and I slept a chunk of the day in the great heat.  With the fan helping. Eventually.  

Our first attempt was interrupted by Bona the Blessed – here to change our sheets.  And brush most of the beach out of the cabin.  This led to my  usual inelegant painful manoeuvres to get off the bed.  

Once we were clean sheeted, and settled back on the cleanliness, Christine popped by which was a lovely excuse for a nice chat. So up we got. 

I believe Eleanor and Chris also drifted by but we were quite unconscious at that point. 

A further lovely swim followed and then tea. Chris and Eleanor popped by again. The water is amazing – warm and clear.

And then Janne and Erika. It is so much appreciated. 

It makes a big difference to my daily routine to have some sensible conversation. 

A meal, helped by the resident cats at the restaurant, followed, with H guarding us closely, lest the felines breach her defences.

And then, back to ourselves and the usual nightly nonsense and irritations followed… the mutterings/ the repeated questions / the bite whinges/ the fiddling with my handbag at the restaurant, lest someone should run off with it/ fiddling with the lights/ rearranging H’s blanket on the floor making an ice rink x 10/ keeping asking about the heavy blankets/ shifting the bog bucket / YES/ the fan stays on/ YES the light goes off – all repeated and then repeated again and a few more times just to make sure. etc etc….

We go through that lot I don’t know how many times… Just beep beep beep … Go to SLEEP/SHUT UP. etc

Then I lie typing this, or itching my itchy bitten ankles, or failing to complete Squaredle hoping for heavy breathing and more settled breathing from T. And peace descends.

Cooler temperatures and strong winds are promised over the next few days.

Update: Sunday morning – what a difference a little wind can make – :))

Thought for the Day






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