Virgo long gone September 22
LP Day 1 – buried for the time being
Another trixy day for me. Stupid really.
I was serenaded this morning at around 06.00. Serenaded by a brown dog with a green flasher, who I rapidly shut up lest H decided to make it a duet. The flasher took himself off for a while during which time I found some clothes and put them on.
I then removed both dogs to the bar area and waited for daylight which was slow to arrive. The clouds probably did not help. There was an outbreak of noise from both dogs caused by cats. But only one dog could give chase. The other felt my Lecki stick brush against her coat and kept quiet.
As soon as I thought I could see well enough, we set off, greeted momentarily by two huge hounds who disappeared south. We slowly moved up the promontory eventually arriving.
The light was curious again this morning. Sort of lemony. Interesting in photographs though.

Sasha and Isabella chased the balls but it was always Isabella who brought them back. Luis curled up in his specially dug hole. H occasionally showed a bally interest but knows when it was no contest.
I walked back slowly – Luis had attached himself to me. But Chris found both of the dogs wandering on the beach and retrieved Luis to take him home. I like having Luis with H but they do set each other off barking. Just one cornetto … (cat) is all it takes.
I went straight off for a swim which was to Houmas and back where it was a bit choppy. Still nice and the underwater world is mine. And spiritually very calming.
Anne has departed, possibly leaving her hat to get squashed in our car.
I challenged myself to wash some clothes now we have hand washing liquid.
The rest of the day was a bit …ugh, I think I might have had a sleep at some point. T sat on the beach under a tamarisk tree only I didn’t know that, whilst I indulged in another swim. Also spiritually calming.., just take me out there…
Chris popped by for a teatime chat and Eleanor visited to dry her hair. Erika also called by. The company was nice after a quiet couple of days.
It has been horribly hot and very humid. It is 20.32 and 27C. I am to expect 24C at sunrise.
I am still mulling around other plans. But the weekend is not the best time to make a decision. We are invaded again this weekend by small children and a gentle dog the size of a shetland pony.
Two of the small children are noisy and in T3. The sort of children who sit and shout for attention. From a distance.
Some were present at the bar last night where I ate very good gemistes and T a grilled pork chop. Demetris has stated that the restaurant will be definitely open until 13/10 – ‘for sure’.
Torches were flashing on the promontory, so there may be maggots out there in the morning.

Thought for the Day

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