New Arrivals

Welcome to Kriti to Eleanor, Chris and Terry.

I had a really good sleep which started around 21.00. I awoke, not for the first time, at 05.00 and reset the alarm for 06.00.

H and I headed for les toilettes to deal with the serious business of the day, before walking out and away. 

I take H into the bugger (bigger) cubicles with me, the ones with a shower, lest she be distracted from keeping silent, by a cat, or similar. As I concentrated on the business ( I won’t say – in hand) , H became very interested in sniffing around the base of the door. And she had a very waggy tail. 

Aha, I thought. I expect there is a green flasher out there. And I was not wrong. Luis and H, united at last! There was much happiness and sniffing and we returned to the cabin for me to get my act together. 

Luis kept getting distracted by places to investigate but we eventually made it to the bar- still in darkness.

At the very far end of the promontory, a red light was flashing so I knew Chris was out there somewhere – minus 1. 

I sat on a chair for a few minutes waiting for the dark to lift when, all of a sudden, two people appeared walking along the beach from the car park. 

Almost simultaneously, two flashing huge hounds thundered across the beach after them, but stopped short of introducing themselves. 

This is not going to end well, or quietly, I thought to myself, thinking Isabella would catch my scent and greet me in her usual enthusiastic and vocal way. It was not yet 07.00.

Well maybe I didn’t smell today, because they turned tail and disappeared back to the carpark. The dogs, not the people that is.

Daylight encouraged my little entourage to move on and we encountered the rest of the gang in the car park. And walked with them back up the promontory. 

It was a cloudy, but warm, morning and the dogs pottered around, or dug holes in the gritty sand.

Luis followed Chris and the other dogs over the rocks back home, and H and I did our own thing. 

We were almost back in the camp site, almost, when I spied a camouflaged rock outside Cedar Bay Villas. It was a mobile sandy coloured rock, with an extinguished green flasher. 

The mobile rock accompanied us to the camping and stayed for a couple of hours until I pleaded for rescue as a cat was mischievously taunting both dogs. And we would be going out.

T was in real go-slow /away-with-the-fairies mode. We were supposed to be meeting Anne to take her to Azogires. But I doubted whether we would ever get there…

But we did, but no Lucky or Rebecca as they were once more off to Chania to meet Rebecca’s mother at the airport. . New baby to meet etc. Azogires was very quiet but the ever helpful Clare cooked up a great omlette. We dropped Anne off and returned.

I had made my bed up ready for tonight. I had tucked the sheets in at the end. All very pretty and organised . But, helpfully, T unmade it all, folded up the sheet and the blanket. I could have cried. He always asks which bed is his, after nearly two weeks. Just as he asks where H goes in the car, after over five years.

Secret passage at Azogires
Alpha Cafe

There followed a little relaxation as we awaited the arrival of Eleanor and the cousins. She was tasked with making the drive through the mountains. Chris joined us for a cup of tea and a chat whilst we waited. We are hoping to join them at the bar/ restaurant tonight. 
There are now big breakers rolling in from the sea making a rhythmic crashing sound as each wave hits the shore.

H has eaten up her new food purchased from Petrakis yesterday. A good thing.

We did a good job on the bar/ restaurant food this evening. It was virtually demolished. But Heidi will receive a left-over treat or two over the next couple of days. It was lovely to see Eleanor again, and Chris too, and to meet Terry for the first time. First timers!

There may be a storm tomorrow…

Thought for the Day

Wednesday update – it’s grey and cloudy and the sea is busy.






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