The night passed easily and I was warm! In fact, as I set myself up for bed, I thought we might need the fan. It was but a fleeting thought and before long, I was reaching for my treat – a blanket!
Just the presence of the blanket draped across me was reassuring. So the nights are cooling down.
I awoke naturally just after 06.00 which is better than some of the punctured nights of late. Oh dear, I thought, I had better get myself going. Can’t miss another day’s walkies. And H needs a decent a walk.
The usual fiddling in semi darkness followed. We are always greeted by at least one pair of cats’ eyes as we exit the cabin. Another ‘good cause’ had found it necessary to work Its way into the final bag of H’s biscuits during the night. This was meant to be her last supper, only it became the ‘good cause’s’ midnight feast.
Luis was not waiting for us today and H and I enjoyed a solitary walk to the tip of the promontory. The light was beautiful and the sun had just arisen.

It was a few minutes before two bouncing creatures announced their arrival, one with a soggy, sandy ball in its jaws.
We were out there a little while, whilst a ball hunt went on, combined with ball chasing. With the thrower, Chris can’t half chuck that ball a long, long way. Isabella crashes after it and Sasha crashes after Isabella, and, on a few occasions, H made up the rear. For about 10 metres.
Sometimes Isabella clenched two balls in her jaws. Isabella doesn’t do anything with delicacy but she is graceful at full stride.
H was quite lively this morning and kept herself busy exploring rocks and thickets. Perhaps the cooler temperatures were the reason.

Once back, the sea was very tempting but the outside air was cool. The sea won and I had a pleasant swim over to the far side of Houmas Bay and back. That saw off my Move circle, more or less.
Brekkie followed. Then a sit down and snooze during which I chilled. Literally chilled. As in felt cold.
The day has been a sedentary one for me and a lie in bed one for T. He hasn’t been able to have a day in bed for a while. I sat under the shade of our tamarisk trees gazing at the twinkly sea and watching people passing purposefully by. I even read some of my book.
Chris appeared for his cuppa as he popped by for his supper. That is poetry!
Sasha and Steffi also appeared to bid us farewell and to warn us not to visit them on Tuesday at Spaniakos as arranged. They had got in a muddle over their ferry tickets and would be about to depart.
Petrakis summoned me and I was able to lay my hands on zero beer and coffee, and, most importantly, doggy biscuits. The latter are now tucked away in our cabin safe from all good causes.
We met Anne at the Water’s Edge cafe and ate too much food. As we sat there, the shadows lengthened and dark imposed itself.

Thought for the Day
It has been a good one! It started with wonderful leisurely walk for H and myself, followed by a peaceful swim. Ended with good company and food . Peace in my time in the middle.
T still has no idea where we are. Put it down to his mistrust of MissTruss. ( His little joke) He doesn’t know who she is either.
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